Uh oh, looks like there's a minor numbering issue on the map... >_>
In the top right corner of the map next to the Time Capital city, there are TWO hexes that are numbered '212'; the hexes in the columns right and left of that are all numbered accurately, but for some reason that one had started off with two '212' hexes, then were numbered down accordingly. ^^; Is there a way to fix that?
Will be fixed for Day 3. Thanks.
What happens if I am successfully attacked by more than one player during the same day? Is there an ambush condition that forces a disadvantage upon each individual fight, do I regularly fight them in the same day with no disadvantages, or only the first person to submit the successful attack fight me that day?
For the Transport Iron Bird action, how much AP would that be? 3 like the travel action between them?
When you are attacked by someone, you become
locked in battle with that player and others cannot attack you. It doesn't really matter whether you get jumped by 1 person or 1000. This will all be explained in more detail when the time comes.
Yes, 3 AP.
How is peace declared?
This will be explained later. Currently, it's not possible to declare Peace because all teams are lacking the diplomatic tools to do that.
Can there be a bit more tutorial on trade? I think I did it correctly but am not really sure
Also the merchant link wouldn't load after many many minutes, is this (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?hl=en_US&key=0AiwMGGakrptadFU5eWQtaWFENjNQcUlONzlqWDVwWGc&hl=en_US&gid=36) acceptable to use, or is it outdated?
Sorry submitting actions is still a bit new for me and so are the actions xD
The link you put there IS the correct merchant link.
Trading is simple. Use an action called
Trade (no target) and buy and see cards according to the price. Big number is buying price and small number is selling price. Update your character sheet and you are done.
How does the bargaining skill work?
It says it gives you a different cost for the cards, but i dont know what that cost is(which means i will have a hard time with my sheet).
Yea, sorry that description was outdated. Please use this temporary fix:
Card buying price is always the same as it is in the Capital City of that particular element.So for example if you want to buy an

card from Outlaw City, you will look at Aether City price (50% cheaper) instead of Outlaw City price. It might be a bit OP but it'll do as a temporary solution.
Hey, Just wondering how I sign up to play this, I got my 30 posts 
Signups are currently closed, but will be opened in a few days.