in the merchant it shows 2 prices? one bigger and one below that is cheaper? which is it to buy from the merchant?
I assumed the bigger (also higher) price was the price at wich Merchants sell items to you. The smaller (also lower) price is the price merchants pay you when you sell them items.
This has not yet been confirmed though.
Your assumption is correct. Bigger font price is buying price, small font price is selling price. Latter is 50% of the first one.
So what happens if I take the "Mark of Fire" skill again? Do I get to play a mark card in my deck? Can I do so without a second instance of the skill? Can I use this as a quick way of gaining upgrades?
Same thing happens that would happen in real life if you learned to swim all over again. You can only have one copy of each skill.
Mark cards are ultra-rare in WoE. Currently there is no known way to obtain them.
Is there anything associated with getting the Champion skill of an element, perhaps prerequisites aside from the rest of the skill tree?
Going along with this, is there only one who can have the Champion Skill? Or can multiple people get it?
Oh, they're optional? I thought they were required or something. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
Any response to these questions that was not by me should be taken with a grain of salt.
Unofficially, teams can pick whoever they want as their leader, but there will be an official way as well. Currently all elements are leaderless, but at some point a leader (a player) will emerge.
So, World of Elements started yesterday?
Im just wondering do I have to get to 30 posts :3
Yes. Good news is that you only need to wonder that 7 more times.