Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Other Topics => Forum Archive => World of Elements => Topic started by: Scaredgirl on October 18, 2011, 08:45:49 pm

Title: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Scaredgirl on October 18, 2011, 08:45:49 pm
WoE Beta has ended!

That's right ladies and gentlemen, WoE beta has ended. I decided to end it suddenly because there was really no reason to go any further, plus the unbalanced teams started to hurt the balance of the event. I have a pretty good idea now on what to fix and how to fix it. I'm really excited to be able to start working on the event once more, and I'm hoping others will help out. I will post some WoE job openings soon.

I'd like to thank everyone who participated, and sorry for those who just joined but did not have time to do anything. To those who managed to explore the map, Your progress will NOT be lost. When we launch, you will get to keep all the cards, electrum, XP, rep, etc, that you managed to acquire during beta.

Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Before we can launch, there are a couple of things we need to do.

- new Character Sheets (50% ready)
- quests
- new merchant system
- skill tree improvements
- tons of visual improvements

What happens when we launch
- WoE Day will be 24 hours
- tons of quests
- everything starts off with a cool main storyline quest
- diplomatics and sense of purpose will be more evident

When we launch? Um.. all I can say at this point is "when it is ready". Hopefully it will be a month, but if technical problems pile up, it could be as long as two months.

I'm hoping to see everyone here when the time comes. Once again, thanks for helping out with the beta!
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on October 18, 2011, 09:05:03 pm
As said on another forum, IIRWIIR - "It Is Ready When It Is Ready."

Good to see that the real WoE has finally kicked off, though! (I'm glad I get to still chill at Dumbnar's Fortress.  :P )
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Kakerlake on October 18, 2011, 09:08:47 pm
Sad to see that we now defenitely won't be able to play WoE for a while :(

But that's about the only minus point in a bunch of big pluses!
yay for 24 hours day
yehaw for tons of quests
yay to omgwtfbbqroflmao for visual improvements
... and so on
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: MartyrX on October 18, 2011, 09:14:07 pm
Oh man i can't wait.  Good luck SG.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Waterknight2012 on October 18, 2011, 09:53:41 pm
Do we have to go to the merchant?? It rakes sooo long to load
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Onizuka on October 18, 2011, 09:55:34 pm
Darn. I was hoping that I could get out of my lost match :P
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Jappert on October 18, 2011, 10:16:39 pm
I had alot of fun in beta and I want to be part of the official launch for sure! I agree with pretty much everything in this topic and there's alot of work that needs to be done.

I also want to do everything I can to help organize this event so I'lll be looking forward to the WoE job openings. I hope Team :water sticks together!
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: YoungSot on October 18, 2011, 11:01:06 pm
Sounds like WoE is headed in the right direction! I definitely look forward to joining in the brainstorming for stuff like the merchant system and quests. I'll echo Jappert in saying I'd love to volunteer for a WoE job too. This will be fun!  :)
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: sebysebyseby on October 18, 2011, 11:59:01 pm
*Throws hands up in the air and jumps in circles* WoE is coming back!  :D

I hope WoE will be a success this time
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Captain Scibra on October 19, 2011, 12:18:32 am
Clownface explosion smoke... Am I the only one who noticed that?  Anyways, Awesome that it is going to be fully launched.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: NikaZaslavsky on October 19, 2011, 01:31:26 am
Oh cool, it's restarting with better features! Although I will miss playing it, I know it will be much better later. Also SG, I would love to help with WoE once it starts.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Terroking on October 19, 2011, 02:06:11 am
Ah, the glory of Soon™
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: GG on October 19, 2011, 02:20:56 am
Just on the round I arrived at the second global quest location... q_q
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Essence on October 19, 2011, 03:47:24 am
Ah, the glory of Soon™
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: ak65ala on October 19, 2011, 05:22:52 am
This is good to hear.  I impatiently await news upon this event.  The whole thing is very well put together so far and I only expect better to come. 
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: ralouf on October 19, 2011, 08:04:06 am
Nice, can't wait to the launch ! I want it nao !

(you need to fix the complete quest button because it did't work for me..)
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: TheonlyrealBeef on October 19, 2011, 12:11:48 pm
Hmm, I have to wonder how big a role NPC's will have in the real event, since I'm thinking it might be better not to participate in the real thing (or I'd have the perfect deck ready for each NPC I get to face :p).
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Troh on October 19, 2011, 01:58:18 pm
I remember when the whole idea was born and it seemed to me almost impossible to realise.
GJ SG and the WoE team!
Waitin to join the event
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: YoungSot on October 19, 2011, 02:13:12 pm
Hmm, I have to wonder how big a role NPC's will have in the real event, since I'm thinking it might be better not to participate in the real thing (or I'd have the perfect deck ready for each NPC I get to face :p).
You make a good point, that applies to most other potential WoE jobs. Those who volunteer to help organize the event will often have "insider" information that could grant an advantage. How will we deal with that? The easiest solution would be to have organizers not participate in the event, but it'd be nice if we didn't have to do that, since organizers who are actually playing in the event will often be more motivated to go the extra mile in their duties because they are that much more interested in the event.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Scaredgirl on October 19, 2011, 02:54:05 pm
Hmm, I have to wonder how big a role NPC's will have in the real event, since I'm thinking it might be better not to participate in the real thing (or I'd have the perfect deck ready for each NPC I get to face :p).
You make a good point, that applies to most other potential WoE jobs. Those who volunteer to help organize the event will often have "insider" information that could grant an advantage. How will we deal with that? The easiest solution would be to have organizers not participate in the event, but it'd be nice if we didn't have to do that, since organizers who are actually playing in the event will often be more motivated to go the extra mile in their duties because they are that much more interested in the event.
Goal is to make most staff titles so that they do not prevent you from participating in the event. When organizers can participate themselves, they are much more motivated, like torb already said. But NPC staff position is a bit tricky because they will know the decks. I'm not sure what to do about that.

Main Organizer will be the only title that prevents you from participating. They will have access to so much data that cheating would just be too easy. And even if they didn't cheat, people would interpret each stoke of luck as cheating. The cool thing about being a Main Organizer is of course that you get a backstage pass to everything. It's kind of like watching sports, but with you gaining full access to locker rooms. Btw.. I'm not talking about the showers, I'm talking about the strategy meetings etc.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Zaealix on October 19, 2011, 05:58:21 pm
Hmm, I have to wonder how big a role NPC's will have in the real event, since I'm thinking it might be better not to participate in the real thing (or I'd have the perfect deck ready for each NPC I get to face :p).
You make a good point, that applies to most other potential WoE jobs. Those who volunteer to help organize the event will often have "insider" information that could grant an advantage. How will we deal with that? The easiest solution would be to have organizers not participate in the event, but it'd be nice if we didn't have to do that, since organizers who are actually playing in the event will often be more motivated to go the extra mile in their duties because they are that much more interested in the event.
Goal is to make most staff titles so that they do not prevent you from participating in the event. When organizers can participate themselves, they are much more motivated, like torb already said. But NPC staff position is a bit tricky because they will know the decks. I'm not sure what to do about that.
I remember it being said that NPCs have a set 'theme' and slightly vary on their decks. I recommend sticking with that sort of thing. Let's take Bala, for example.
His theme, are the elements that were considered 'weak' right? So I might go to play as Bala, against TerrorKing, and use a  :water deck. HOWEVER! The next NPC player, let's say Napalm, might be used to play Bala, and she might do a  :life rush against Kirch. If we go on a theme-basis, we can keep the NPCs interesting, and less 'this is how you beat X' which is something that plauges the FGs. That said, perhaps NPCs should have a set 'weakness' in that they will never have a plan for X type of card, so Bala, might always be vulnerable to CC, while Dumbnar will never use spells, and so on and so forth.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Scaredgirl on October 19, 2011, 06:44:55 pm
Hmm, I have to wonder how big a role NPC's will have in the real event, since I'm thinking it might be better not to participate in the real thing (or I'd have the perfect deck ready for each NPC I get to face :p).
You make a good point, that applies to most other potential WoE jobs. Those who volunteer to help organize the event will often have "insider" information that could grant an advantage. How will we deal with that? The easiest solution would be to have organizers not participate in the event, but it'd be nice if we didn't have to do that, since organizers who are actually playing in the event will often be more motivated to go the extra mile in their duties because they are that much more interested in the event.
Goal is to make most staff titles so that they do not prevent you from participating in the event. When organizers can participate themselves, they are much more motivated, like torb already said. But NPC staff position is a bit tricky because they will know the decks. I'm not sure what to do about that.
I remember it being said that NPCs have a set 'theme' and slightly vary on their decks. I recommend sticking with that sort of thing. Let's take Bala, for example.
His theme, are the elements that were considered 'weak' right? So I might go to play as Bala, against TerrorKing, and use a  :water deck. HOWEVER! The next NPC player, let's say Napalm, might be used to play Bala, and she might do a  :life rush against Kirch. If we go on a theme-basis, we can keep the NPCs interesting, and less 'this is how you beat X' which is something that plauges the FGs. That said, perhaps NPCs should have a set 'weakness' in that they will never have a plan for X type of card, so Bala, might always be vulnerable to CC, while Dumbnar will never use spells, and so on and so forth.
The way NPC's are built is that they try to mimic some kind of theme using Elements cards.

For example the deck Dumbnar used was supposed to show what "Orc Army" would look like if built using Elements cards. King Bala character on the other hand is basically a "Noble Indian" type of character, so the deck will somehow be related to that.

Decks are not supposed to look like something that was built for PvP, they are supposed to look like they fit the theme. By using this method, characters seem more "real" and players can try to guess the decks based on how they think that kind of NPC would be build using Elements cards.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: YoungSot on October 19, 2011, 08:20:26 pm
@SG: Do you plan to add new feedback/brainstorming topics for items on the To-Do list? For example should we have a thread for quest ideas and such?
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: NikaZaslavsky on October 19, 2011, 09:02:16 pm
I will offer to move people around the map, since I don't think that would prevent me from participating, and I still really want to be in WoE.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Zaealix on October 20, 2011, 02:29:04 am
Personally, I want to be an NPC staff member. If you need a guy to play an opponent, I'll do what I can.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: the dictator on October 20, 2011, 05:59:28 am
I will offer to move people around the map, since I don't think that would prevent me from participating, and I still really want to be in WoE.
I guess that would be one of the job's for a main organizers, so no, that would prevent you from participating.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: NikaZaslavsky on October 20, 2011, 11:50:46 am
Really? I think that that would be a separate job.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Troh on October 26, 2011, 02:27:52 pm
I think that it is too much to keep all the progress for player from beta.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: YoungSot on October 26, 2011, 03:11:53 pm
I think that it is too much to keep all the progress for player from beta.
I don't think it's a problem. Beta was very short, so the players haven't had time to gain too big of a lead. Resetting is always somewhat demotivating for the affected players, so it's best to avoid it if possible.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: xsindomanx on October 26, 2011, 03:46:31 pm
Ooh just the kind of game I like, although I had been sleeping -.- during the beta.
Really hope to join, especially as my mid-term season (1.5 months long -.-) is about to end :)

I think that it is too much to keep all the progress for player from beta
I don't think it's a problem. Beta was very short, so the players haven't had time to gain too big of a lead. Resetting is always somewhat demotivating for the affected players, so it's best to avoid it if possible.
Heh, hopefully not a big problem, but having a direct in-game advantage (quest, coins etc?) in addition to having knowledge and experience about the game might give them a  bit of an advantage :P
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Troh on October 26, 2011, 06:18:35 pm
I think that it is too much to keep all the progress for player from beta.
I don't think it's a problem. Beta was very short, so the players haven't had time to gain too big of a lead. Resetting is always somewhat demotivating for the affected players, so it's best to avoid it if possible.
TO keep everything is a big lead. Usually players from beta receive some badges or some more symbolic bonuses not the whole progress
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Jappert on October 26, 2011, 06:22:15 pm
I think that it is too much to keep all the progress for player from beta.
I don't think it's a problem. Beta was very short, so the players haven't had time to gain too big of a lead. Resetting is always somewhat demotivating for the affected players, so it's best to avoid it if possible.
TO keep everything is a big lead. Usually players from beta receive some badges or some more symbolic bonuses not the whole progress
This is just starting to look like whining imo. It's not that big a lead at all.

Beta testers invested time and effort to get to know the game and start build their armies. Losing that would be very sad and the only lead we got is a few AP selling/buying stuff and an occasional PvP win. You make it sound like they got some incredible head start, it'll all be about activity in the end anyway.

It's not more then a nice gesture and a well deserved one!
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Terroking on October 27, 2011, 02:15:22 am
I think that it is too much to keep all the progress for player from beta.
I don't think it's a problem. Beta was very short, so the players haven't had time to gain too big of a lead. Resetting is always somewhat demotivating for the affected players, so it's best to avoid it if possible.
TO keep everything is a big lead. Usually players from beta receive some badges or some more symbolic bonuses not the whole progress
This is just starting to look like whining imo. It's not that big a lead at all.

Beta testers invested time and effort to get to know the game and start build their armies. Losing that would be very sad and the only lead we got is a few AP selling/buying stuff and an occasional PvP win. You make it sound like they got some incredible head start, it'll all be about activity in the end anyway.

It's not more then a nice gesture and a well deserved one!
It'd also get quite annoying for us Alpha testers (And no doubt many beta testers) to replay the same exact thing over again.

Now, if there is significant new content, which has been promised, then I'm fine with restarting again, although I would obviously like to keep my progress since I was farther along than most.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Terroking on January 02, 2012, 05:44:13 pm
Ah, the glory of Soon™
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Skysong on February 11, 2012, 09:16:25 pm
Ah, the glory of Soon™
I completely agree.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Jappert on February 12, 2012, 09:32:23 am
This was the one thing I was looking forward to the most.

It's heavily SG-dependent though and we all know what that means... She has to get back to the forums first.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: hainkarga on April 18, 2012, 07:51:39 pm
Is there any chance that WoE will happen without SG ?

Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Jenkar on April 18, 2012, 07:53:57 pm
I believe Kuro's interested in taking the whips back. It might takee a while though.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: YoungSot on April 19, 2012, 12:04:21 am
It's still on track to happen Soon. But I know I probably won't be messing with it much till after Battle gets implemented.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Paniko on May 13, 2012, 04:27:25 pm
in any game ...
...completed beta...
...you lose alll progress .)
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Aves on May 13, 2012, 05:21:58 pm
It's still on track to happen Soon. But I know I probably won't be messing with it much till after Battle gets implemented.
So... Soon?
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: YoungSot on May 13, 2012, 05:27:35 pm
It's still on track to happen Soon. But I know I probably won't be messing with it much till after Battle gets implemented.
So... Soon?

Work will begin as soon as War ends (or Team Fire gets knocked out. But that won't be till the War ends so same difference :P ).
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: xdude on May 13, 2012, 08:07:03 pm
It's still on track to happen Soon. But I know I probably won't be messing with it much till after Battle gets implemented.
So... Soon?

Work will begin as soon as War ends (or Team Fire gets knocked out. But that won't be till the War ends so same difference :P ).

Oh. Now I know where to send Assassins!
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: justaburd on May 13, 2012, 08:09:10 pm
It's still on track to happen Soon. But I know I probably won't be messing with it much till after Battle gets implemented.
So... Soon?

Work will begin as soon as War ends (or Team Fire gets knocked out. But that won't be till the War ends so same difference :P ).

Oh. Now I know where to send Assassins!

I'll definitely keep this in mind when we talk about who we send what at.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: YoungSot on May 14, 2012, 04:05:15 am
Oh. Now I know where to send Assassins!

I'll definitely keep this in mind when we talk about who we send what at.

Fascinating. In other news, I plan to introduce a new WoE skill:

"Eye for an Eye"
During battle, you receive +X additional upgrades, where X is equal to the number of cards that your opponent caused the Fire team to discard during the most recent War.

Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: justaburd on May 14, 2012, 04:07:40 am
Oh. Now I know where to send Assassins!

I'll definitely keep this in mind when we talk about who we send what at.

Fascinating. In other news, I plan to introduce a new WoE skill:

"Eye for an Eye"
During battle, you receive +X additional upgrades, where X is equal to the number of cards that your opponent caused the Fire team to discard during the most recent War.

Sounds balanced. You should start coding this in when we push you out of war. >:D
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: 0gr0 on June 09, 2012, 04:10:38 pm
WoE is dead?? if not, when is it going to start???
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Aves on June 09, 2012, 04:13:01 pm
It's still on track to happen Soon. But I know I probably won't be messing with it much till after Battle gets implemented.
So... Soon?

Work will begin as soon as War ends (or Team Fire gets knocked out. But that won't be till the War ends so same difference :P ).
In other words, Soon™
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: esran on June 09, 2012, 11:08:46 pm
is this "soon" in the blizzard sense, or more soon in the duke nukem forevor sense. or possibly soon in the "waiting for the second coming" sense. i guess we will find out in 2000 years. or, hopefully less.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: YoungSot on June 10, 2012, 01:57:58 am
is this "soon" in the blizzard sense, or more soon in the duke nukem forevor sense. or possibly soon in the "waiting for the second coming" sense. i guess we will find out in 2000 years. or, hopefully less.

"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven..." Matt 24:36
Yeah that sounds about right. ;)
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: sebysebyseby on July 08, 2012, 10:08:06 pm
so now that fire is out, does that mean progress on WoE?  :P Or when War is over anyway? I'm too damn excited about WoE to let if off my mind
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: neuroleptics on July 09, 2012, 05:26:42 am
I'm surprised that scaredgirl's name appeared........
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Annele on July 09, 2012, 05:31:36 am
It's still on track to happen Soon. But I know I probably won't be messing with it much till after Battle gets implemented.
So... Soon?

Work will begin as soon as War ends (or Team Fire gets knocked out. But that won't be till the War ends so same difference :P ).

Now :fire is dead, is work begun yet?
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Aves on August 14, 2012, 08:03:33 pm
*cough* bump *cough*
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Dm on August 14, 2012, 08:05:57 pm
It's still on track to happen Soon. But I know I probably won't be messing with it much till after Battle gets implemented.
So... Soon?
*cough* bump *cough*

Ah, the glory of Soon™


Oh, so soon.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Kakerlake on August 14, 2012, 08:16:41 pm
Soon, i'm going to die ... of old age!
Soon, the sun will go out ... it burned all Hydrogen!
Soon, WoE will start ... but no one's still alive to play it!
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Avenger on August 28, 2012, 08:25:31 pm
Nevermind, war is good enough.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: 0gr0 on September 16, 2012, 09:53:57 pm

Is WoE dead or what happend?
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on September 16, 2012, 09:58:13 pm
Is WoE dead or what happend?
WoE was basically SG's forum event - when she left, the forum staff tried to keep it going, but it's dead unless someone wants to invest all their time into it. (We've taken up other events like Brawl)

Consider this event unfinished and not likely to be developed further.

Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: 0gr0 on September 16, 2012, 10:07:43 pm

Is WoE dead or what happend?
WoE was basically SG's forum event - when she left, the forum staff tried to keep it going, but it's dead unless someone wants to invest all their time into it. (We've taken up other events like Brawl)

Consider this event unfinished and not likely to be developed further.


And what happend to SG??
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: ddevans96 on September 16, 2012, 10:10:05 pm
She disappeared.

And no, the staff did not try to restart it. Kuro, Young, and Napalm were planning to attempt it, but nothing came of it, and I can't get Kuro to let me help.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: 10 men on September 17, 2012, 08:31:18 pm
Google Docs: The Game just isn't such a good idea.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Avenger on September 21, 2012, 02:50:28 pm
It's still on track to happen Soon. But I know I probably won't be messing with it much till after Battle gets implemented.
So... Soon?

Work will begin as soon as War ends (or Team Fire gets knocked out. But that won't be till the War ends so same difference :P ).

Ok, I guess you meant the upcoming war :D
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Essence on September 21, 2012, 08:59:47 pm
Google Docs: The Game just isn't such a good idea.

Man, I'm so used to forums having a Like button that it took me like five minutes to remember how to +rep on these boards. :D

QFT, essentially.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: TribalTrouble on September 30, 2012, 09:32:26 pm
Just wondering, what exactly was this when it was in beta? I never figured out exactly what it was. o.O
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: ddevans96 on September 30, 2012, 09:34:58 pm
Just wondering, what exactly was this when it was in beta? I never figured out exactly what it was. o.O

Beta was...almost a year ago now, in the times of Scaredgirl.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: furballdn on September 30, 2012, 09:37:11 pm
Just wondering, what exactly was this when it was in beta? I never figured out exactly what it was. o.O
Forum event. People moved around on a board, crafted new cards from old ones, had skills and perks, and dueled each other.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: salox on February 18, 2013, 05:39:05 pm
always wanted to play this
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: ARTHANASIOS on March 11, 2013, 01:48:09 am
What are the chances of this being revived? ::)
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on March 11, 2013, 01:51:49 am
What are the chances of this being revived? ::)
That depends on how willing someone is to take over and host the project. Given the size of this event, you'd need several people to do that.
See below post.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: ddevans96 on March 11, 2013, 02:04:35 am
What are the chances of this being revived? ::)

It was already revived by a few people, spearheaded by myself, Kuro, and Napalm. When Napalm left, Kuro and I stopped working on it. We're resuming after war.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Avenger on March 13, 2013, 08:59:43 am
Actually, the beta was fun. This could be a very good game, with more code support, instead of google docs.
If Zanz would help, it could even be integrated into the base game.
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Bootsza on March 13, 2013, 05:31:44 pm
Actually, the beta was fun.

I completely agree.  The little I did get to play of it was great.

This could be a very good game, with more code support, instead of google docs.

I suspect all the google doc work was what killed SG and what slowed the game down a bit.  Code support would be brilliant.

If Zanz would help, it could even be integrated into the base game.

Such a great idea.  SO much work... :(
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: sebysebyseby on October 22, 2013, 03:38:00 am
Anyone else think that the incoming 1.4 version of elements is similar to the idea of WoE?
Title: Re: WoE beta has ended. Coming soon: the Big Launch!
Post by: Dm on October 22, 2013, 02:44:30 pm