I think I'd be okay with this as long as the XP gain was made faster each time. But if this isn't going to happen past the first reset then I'd say I'd rather leave the characters as is.
The progress would be the same in each new event. Idea would be to run WoE for roughly 100 Days (3-4 months in real life), and it would end shortly after most successful players reach max level.
I would mind having to start a new character alot.
I love statistics and I want to keep my PvP win%, my cards, my quests, everything. Most of all I want to keep my Skills though. Having to start a new character every WoE would become very demotivating.
As I see it, this event stands or falls by the presence of it's active, participating, veteran members. Giving them a character they can finetune, develop and keep through the WoE story is a key part of the entire experience imo.
Let's find another way to prevent new players from getting slaughtered. (like no exp gain/salvage for a player 5+ levels lower then you and maybe even exp loss if you lsoe vs a player 5+ levels lower) Anything but deleting the characters 
If we had XP loss when you attack lower level players, that would lead to silly situations where one half the players would be high level veterans, and the second half would be "untouchable" newbies.
I would prefer option 2, most likely, the slow pace of getting skills and leveling with the current system is really very slow, and thus, unfun.
I'd like to know what precisely is meant by "New WoE," though. Is it each time we make a new version of beta, each time someone wins, every couple months, or something else entirely?
Like I said there earlier, idea would be that one WoE lasts roughly 100 Days, which translates to 3-4 months. When the event ends, characters would be reset, but the story would continue from where it ended. Thematically, this could mean that all the players die of old age or get someone wiped out of existence, and the next generation would continue the battle.
I much prefer keeping my character from game to game, as it is that steady progress toward the "perfect" character that really motivates and interests me. I think the new player's disadvantage should be mitigated in some way though. The existence of copious questing opportunities plus something like Jappert is suggesting to remove rewards for newb stomping, would probably be enough.
As for the speed of progress, once we have something in place to discourage the most powerful players from picking on new players too much, the pace of leveling can be whatever rate the community and SG deems most enjoyable, without affecting the game balance much.
Don't you see it as a problem if the gap between new players and veterans becomes too big?
I'm with Terroking. The idea of a WoE that is a long, slow affair with a continuous storyline has a vague appeal, but honestly, I'm a tinkerer. I'd rather play 3 different builds in a year (and have to start over 3 times to do so) than play 1 build during that same year, particularly if that build never reached the same power level as the three different builds.
Also, starting over from time to time benefits the new people. Veterans have enough uberity on these boards; the last thing we want is one more arena in which the Old Boy's Club runs things and the newbies are forever struggling to catch up.
Yep. I don't see it as that much different from playing an MMO and starting a new character once your main character hits max level. Sure you still have that main character and probably do some endgame stuff with it, but it's not like starting over is somehow boring and useless. I personally like trying out different builds and characters, and doing a fresh start in WoE would probably interest me.
I love getting the perfect character.
But I /hate/ games that make you play catch up. I've played games where if you didn't start the first day or two, you'll never be able to be the top player.
Either extreme restrictions on what carried over players can do to new ones or new each game. Possibly people who played the previous one get a slight bonus for each previous one they played could be added too.
Yep, this is probably the main argument for Option 2, and it's something I overlooked when I first started to build WoE.
The more I think about it, the more I like option 2. I was wondering if there was some kind of middle-ground for the two options..