World of Elements |
founded in hex 167!
founded in hex 236!
Reinforcements have arrived! See here (
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?hl=en_US&hl=en_US&key=0AgB8fZX7y8kydHBtU0RNOC1yeFk2cTRIRzhCaDFyekE&single=true&gid=48&output=html) for more information.
NEW PLAYERS: Please read the previous Day topics from Day 1 to Day 5. You can start with recommended actions from Days 1 or 2. If you have any questions, ask your teammates or post here. Thanks.
Battle Charges
who is Fortified and ready for battle!
who is Fortified and ready for battle!
who Defends
is victorious!
is sent to Spirit World
Battle system as a reminder:
| DAY 1 | DAY 2 |
Battle happens | Loser goes to Spirit World Winner spends 2 Action Points during that same round | Loser goes to Spirit World Winner spends 4 Action Points during that same round |
Battle doesn't happen | Players stay locked in battle and try again during the next day | Battle is canceled.
If one player was more active in trying to find a suitable time, that player is the winner. Winner gets normal XP but no salvage. Loser is sent to Spirit World but does not have to discard.
If both players were equally inactive, a draw is declared. Nothing happens and the event goes forward. |
Spirit World is the place where you go after a PvP loss. Spirit World can be found in the bottom-right corner of the map. Players have to spend one round in Spirit World, after which they are transported back to their Capital City, and they can continue the event as usual.
Map can have little stars,
Points of Interest. This means they have something interesting on them that can be revealed using the
Search action. First Point of interest can be found in hex 120.
TUTORIAL MODERecommended actions for this Day:No recommended actions today.
If you have any questions about this Day, please post them here. If you have general questions about WoE, please post them on this topic (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,30942.0.html). Thanks.