World of Elements
Day 1
Welcome to World of Elements beta. I would like to thank each of you for helping out with the event. Our goal is to build a balanced and fun event, so do not be afraid to post feedback about anything. Oh and don't worry if many things are still unclear, everything will be explained in time. Just sit back, relax, and have some fun. Lets get started.
World of Elements consists of
Days. One Day in WoE is one day in real life, and a new topic will appear in this forum section every 24 hours. During each Day, you will move your character on the map, doing quests, capturing terrain, and fighting other players.
In WoE main section (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/board,176.0.html) you will find a link called "Submit Action". This link will take you to a form that you will use each Day to submit your actions. This is also the link you should press after you have read this post.
You can use up to 4 Action Points to perform any actions you like. You will find all available actions here (
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?hl=en_US&key=0AgB8fZX7y8kydHBtU0RNOC1yeFk2cTRIRzhCaDFyekE&hl=en_US&gid=32). IT is recommended though that during Day 1, you complete actions mentioned in the example below. They are useful actions to a player who is just starting WoE.
Note: we were originally supposed to use a different tool made by Timerclock, but unfortunately that tool was so broken it was unusable, so we had to go with this plan B.
We will start off in
tutorial mode. This means that in each Day topic, there will be short tutorial or tutorials, usually something related to what is happening in the event at that time. You do not have to do what the tutorials talk about, you are free to do whatever you want. However, it is still a good idea to read the tutorials so you will learn how the event works.
Recommended actions for Day 1:Trade
Take Quest Expand Borders
Move *hex number*
TradeMerchant is the NPC who buys and sells cards and other items. Access Merchant by using
Trade action. You will find the link to merchant in the WoE main section. Warning: due to heavy code (that I will change later) the merchant page can load a long time, and I mean REALLY long time. But it will load eventually so don't worry about it.
Choose your element from the link above and you will see which cards you can buy or sell. You have a bunch of cards in your Character Sheets. Sell some and buy some. Or don't, it's up to you. Remember, it is your responsibility to add/remove

when you visit the Merchant. You should also add/remove cards accordingly. Basic rule of WoE is that You are responsible for updating your Character Sheet. This means cards, electrum, quests, XP, everything that has a dark-gray background.
To buy and sell cards, use the Trade action. Trade Costs 1 Action Point. |
Take QuestQuests will be a big part of WoE gameplay. In beta quests are still mostly unfinished but more will be added very soon. You can manage your quests in your character sheet. Choose a quests name from the drop-down menu, and other fields will update automatically. Only available quest during Day 1 is "Expand Borders", ignore all other quests.
To take a quest in your current hex, use the Take Quest action. Remember to include a target, the name of the Quest. Costs 1 Action Point. |
MoveMove is the basic skill used to move around that map. Move costs 2 Action Points, meaning you can move up to 2 hexes if you use the skill twice. You can also use more advanced methods of
fast travel, but those all require a special skill.
To move around the map, use the Move action. Remember to include a target, the hex you want to move into. Move costs 2 Action Points. |
Summary:1. Open Submit Actions form
2. Perform actions
Take Quest and
Move. Alternatively you can perform any other actions you want.
3. If you performed
Trade and
Take Quest, update your Character Sheet accordingly.
4. Wait for Scaredgirl to post Day 2 topic
If you have any questions, please post them on this topic. Thanks.