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Re: (Water) Tiko 2 - 0 (Gravity) Malebolgia (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2011, 08:29:43 pm »
It's really not very complicated:

We (and I think everyone else) have a PvP related quest. To complete this quest we need to make enemies.
- I could not have warned you guys or we would have been fighting a bunch of fortified players or running after eachother on the map. This is why I chose to lie/backstab.
- Bhlewos and Gocubs unfortunate deaths are entirely my descision. It's just a way to earn reputation and complete this quest.
- Malebolgia was the one starting a big global quest and payed the price. He was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Trust me, more people are going to die around Hex 120 and probably a few of our members also.
- We have no intentions of war for this moment.
- This is purely WoE based. This has nothign to do with not liking :gravity or it's members!

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Re: (Water) Tiko 2 - 0 (Gravity) Malebolgia (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #13 on: October 02, 2011, 09:11:09 pm »
Good job Jappert. That's not actually meant to sound as sarcastic as it does, but since I'm explaining it anyway, and I'm not sure how to reword it, I'll leave it. You did stick within the rules, and SG is right, Gravity(hopefully my soon to be teammates) should probably not have taken you on your word. However...this wasn't the smartest thing you could have done. Yes, this is just a game, and hopefully no one will take it outside the game. But within the game, your word isn't likely to mean anything at all, now. Some might say that no one's word means much in a game like this, but I would have to disagree, some will follow their word to earn a reputation, and personally I'd call that wise. Anyway, this post is much longer than it was intended. My point is simply that even if it has short term benefits, your actions might be to your overall detriment.

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Re: (Water) Tiko 2 - 0 (Gravity) Malebolgia (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #14 on: October 03, 2011, 05:22:34 am »
UW. It wouldn't hurt to apologize to you (the team and morningstar specifically) again, but, well, sorry. For what it's worth, in our defense, we acted properly in our opinion with the attack. While we didn't give you prior warning (which would've given you a chance to escape anyway, like Jappert himself used as justification wrt Gocubbies), we also didn't actively lie to you about being friendly or seeking no conflict. In that respect, though, perhaps Water was right and we should've been more deceptive in our relations to other teams instead of being so trusting. Lesson learned?

One PvP match in our opinion (which was how many had occurred before you started calling us out about it) is not the same as a declaration of war. A coordinated series of attacks (as Water has done) is. We're more than happy to discuss this with you, morningstar and the UW team, if you still think we can be trusted. But if you've already written us off as your enemies, then we're more than happy to oblige, too. It's your call.
I don't mind that you attacked us (and me directly). As long as it is done honorably, I see no harm in us tearing each others throats out for a week or two (well besides the harm to the throats. but those'll resurrect soon enough). I would even be open to working with/for the gravity nation down the road once we're done skirmishing.
I can't speak for my teammates though. And short term... we can't just let you get away with attacking us like that. Blood for blood first, reasonable discussion after that.

However...this wasn't the smartest thing you could have done. Yes, this is just a game, and hopefully no one will take it outside the game. But within the game, your word isn't likely to mean anything at all, now. Some might say that no one's word means much in a game like this, but I would have to disagree, some will follow their word to earn a reputation, and personally I'd call that wise. Anyway, this post is much longer than it was intended. My point is simply that even if it has short term benefits, your actions might be to your overall detriment.
And honestly, backstabbing does get taken outside a game, at least as far as to other games. There's nothing wrong with deception within the confines of the game, but once you do it people know that you may do it again in another game.

And I'll take this opportunity to say that Sot the Elemental holds itself to a strict code of honor, as any good mercenary must if they wish to acquire the right reputation.

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Re: (Water) Tiko 2 - 0 (Gravity) Malebolgia (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #15 on: October 03, 2011, 05:38:27 am »
1. I don't get why people get so riled up. I never saw this ammount of "drama" when people got beaten in a tournament or league. And yes, I understand that there's no factions/diplomacy and whatever in leagues. But as I said before, I had to lie or you guys would have ran/fortified.

2. My allies know I was out looking for trouble and they know they are safe. That's why I allied with them in the first place: to be able to take care of one Element and not get into trouble with everyone! My true allies know I'm harmless ;)

3. Sorry for backstabbing (cause that's what I did) but PvP is part of WoE. And as Minsc said in Baldur's Gate II:

To make the glorious omelette of goodness, some eggs must be broken!
I've just gone a bit far!

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Re: (Water) Tiko 2 - 0 (Gravity) Malebolgia (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2011, 06:15:25 am »
1. I don't get why people get so riled up. I never saw this ammount of "drama" when people got beaten in a tournament or league. And yes, I understand that there's no factions/diplomacy and whatever in leagues. But as I said before, I had to lie or you guys would have ran/fortified.

2. My allies know I was out looking for trouble and they know they are safe. That's why I allied with them in the first place: to be able to take care of one Element and not get into trouble with everyone! My true allies know I'm harmless ;)

3. Sorry for backstabbing (cause that's what I did) but PvP is part of WoE. And as Minsc said in Baldur's Gate II:

To make the glorious omelette of goodness, some eggs must be broken!
I've just gone a bit far!
Drama is good! Keeps things interesting!

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Re: (Water) Tiko 2 - 0 (Gravity) Malebolgia (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #17 on: October 03, 2011, 07:56:49 am »
Shall we talk about the deck that is mutilating gravity?
There are things worse than eating tuna directly from the tin

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Re: (Water) Tiko 2 - 0 (Gravity) Malebolgia (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #18 on: October 03, 2011, 04:05:46 pm »
Great build, simple but surprisingly effective. The quanta's perfect. Who came up with it?

Offline Jappert

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Re: (Water) Tiko 2 - 0 (Gravity) Malebolgia (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #19 on: October 03, 2011, 04:15:35 pm »
Great build, simple but surprisingly effective. The quanta's perfect. Who came up with it?
The Kingdom of :water did!

