I'd gladly join in the creative stages. I've been around since early April and have seen this game go from 'fun side project' to 'overwhelming popularity' and I for one am VERY glad for it. While I am not as active on the forums or chat room as some of the others, I do play nearly every day and have seen the changes from 'simple fun game' to 'expansive interactive community and game'.
I enjoy making maps, as my lone artistic expression. I can send you some of the maps I've done for my novels (ok, so I can write a little bit) as an example of the kind of world maps I have done. I am not great as far as city maps go, but I can definitely help someone create theirs. If you need maps changed, adjusted or modified, that's no issue as I've got experience changing my own maps around due to changes caused by the narrative. I am not a CODER, but I work primarily freehand and in Photoshop to create my maps. I've no idea how to convert that into computer-speak.

I can also help with writing (Native English speaker and my grammar and spelling are quite good). I've got several short stories written and several novels in the work (none published yet), so I can provide a sample of my writing if you would like.
As an avid reader, I can safely say my work is not derivative and it is always unique. I always try to stay away from cliche`, stereotypical plots and characters, and as a role-player with well over 20 years of experience, I can bring my unique characterizations to characters, NPC's, and cities/countrysides as needed. I can modify and change my writing as needed, and I am used to collaborating artistic endeavors and coordinating groups of people to reach a common (often creative) goals.
If you're looking for 'idea men' who can come up with plots, characters, places, worlds, etc...I'm your man!
If you want a programmer, deck builder, number cruncher, or milkman, I'm afraid I won't be very good.