Shantu and had a lengthy conversation in chat about his first 2 points, so I feel the need to support them
- Marks being Tier 0 means you have to "waste" 1 Skill point to unlock a skill tree, then level up again to actually get a skill. I am very much against this. I would prefer that the Tier 1 skills are more accessible. I can see where you're coming from thematically with the "Before you can get to the specifics of an element, you have to know the basics," I just cannot agree with forcing someone to take a mark they may not want to unlock a skill they do want. While marks are indeed useful, IMO, they should not be REQUIRED to open up an entire skill tree. Perhaps instead of a Tier 0, or even a Tier 1 skill, they could be on off hand skill that is needed to unlock Tier 2 skills? This would even allow for people to learn the "basics" of an elemental tree without learning the mark, yet still allow them to learn the mark even if they wanted nothing else. And then after the "basics," they can take the step to higher skills. Each elemental would still start with their respective Element. Things like Pendulums and Weapons would be more accessible to all users this way, rather than a select few.
End result: Tier 1 skills are more accessible, Marks are required for more advanced skills, No effect at all on the starting Skill tree. (This system would function the exact same way for the starting skill tree of an Elemental, just make skills of other trees more accessable.)
-I suppose I should clarify how the whole crafting discussion even came up. I am currently in Alpha as a Fire Elemental (obviously...). I was investigating the Weaponsmith skill when I found that in order to use it with any reliability, I must first use 1 skill point on the skill itself, then 1 skill point on the Mark of Water, and then finally 1 skill point on Alchemy. Only after this will I actually be able to create weapons. (This is also what prompted the making tier 1 skills more accessible discussion...) The only way around spending this many skill points is to make deals and trade with Water Elements, which, if it isn't already, should not be allowed without some sort of "Smuggling" Skill as Fire and Water are inherently at war.
So I basically just started thinking of ideas to make things more accessible to all the players, yet still require quite a bit of a time investment to attain. The first was Shantu's first point, Marks not being Tier 0. The second was that Crafting be quests. Instead of travelling around battling and leveling up, and using your level up points to get the crafting skills, you'd would be required to travel around on Quests, performing different tasks, the end result being access to the skill. I really like this option as it gives an alternative path to the game rather than just kill or be killed. You could become a merchant yourself and travel the world trading, without hardly leveling up if you so desired. The whole thing about needing to fix the skill trees is, IMO, a pretty invalid argument. Anyone can tell you that they are still quite rough around the edges and need to have the kinks worked out anyway. While I'm sure it's difficult to set up skill trees that are balanced, it can be done. That is what all this testing is for, amiright?