Scaredgirl, you've done it again. This is one of your best ideas.
It's really awesome indeed!
I'm hoping to revive this project after War #2 launches. It's going to be a huge task, but if we get enough volunteers to help, everything should go smoothly.
It seems like this huge task is really very hard to manage after. Like 1140 said, perhaps wanting to integrate everything into it right from the start is a little too ambitious for starters?
How about just starting it up with just very few features such as
basic map (the one you got is awesome)
basic-movement (1 square/action per turn)
basic encounter (in squares occupied by other players)
basic pve-interactions (in a few squares featuring special items like wonders, cities ...),
basic attack (you meet, you battle if that is your 1 action...)
basic vault (as seen in War)
basic economics (vault + maybe one type of currency)
basic questing
basic player status
I mean as awesome as "generals", "action-points", "holding territory", "alliances" etc. sounds ... it will be hard
to do it all well right away and staff members as well as players need to adjust to the basic handling first.
So what I am suggesting is more less setting it up as a simple "world to explore" in which you can just
generate vault-content and cash at first.
Players will just be simple straight-forward adventurers (who may/or may not have certain elements as their
"trait" for now) who engage in pvp and the occasional pve-interaction on a "one action/turn"-basis.
(e.g.: forest: harvest lumber -> generate 100 electrum for now. Later this may actually be lumber;
cities: trade-option -> sell/buy cards from your vault; wonder: ritual -> 20% chance a XXX-card joins your ranks;
if other player in your square: combat -> the opponent is forced to battle ...).
As the thing gets going more elements can be gradually introduced as some kind of update to the WoE,
so it would be absolutely no shame if WoE seemed a bit "shallow" at first.
(e.g. "General-status" -> players who command more than XX cards in their vault and have completed the
"Leadership takes blood and sweat"-quest may choose to change their status to "General". Generals have
the following additional options: Command more than one army, "hold" territory ...)
In order to make things a little more interesting (than just pvping around and moving one square per turn)
I would like to suggest testing the quest mechanics with "side-quests" before getting to the more
critical storyline-quests, e.g.:
Side-Quests (,8868.24.html)
Anyways, hope this gets going either way and I'd be happy to help with suggestions, planning and carrying out
some of those side-quests when the time for launch has come.