About a month ago, I started college. Before that, WoE didn't seem to be going anywhere, and given that that was one of my main attractions to play, I got temporarily bored. Now, I'm starting to get acclimated, and would like to come back. Is there any chance I could have my spot on Team Gravity back? I certainly understand if the answer is "no," I'm simply partial to it, and would much rather be on it than any other team.
If not....

You were in alpha so you get first picks when choosing a team. But unfortunately team

already has 7 members, and I would prefer if no one element would have a player advantage of 2+. As soon as all other elements are as well, I will be happy to add you in

. It shouldn't take that long, but if you don't want to wait, then you need to join some other team.
All new members are announced in Day 6 topic which will be posted shortly.