This round seems a lot more balanced.
So originally i was gonna complain a lot of Air still being OP'd, but u seem to be on that.
More or less nailed it, except for Air. I still think Calm Before The Storm is too powerful and Rising Storm is now even more powerful (why would you do that?) - those two Tier 1 skills are going to mean that people are going to be using tons of upgraded cards all the time - but otherwise the trees are looking pretty even power-wise. We can only wait until testing shows further imbalances.
Yes, those two skills are indeed a problem. What happened was that we just couldn't come up with any good simply Tier 1 skills that hadn't been used yet.
Rising Storm is not as powerful as you think though. What the description doesn't say is that the counters get reset after you fight someone from a different element. Se the skill is great when fighting only one other element, but no so great when fighting multiple. Power wise, it's still a Tier 2 skill (we moved it from Tier 2 to Tier 1 to get the damn skill tree finished
) .
I'm not a big fan having having "counter" skills in Tier 1 because human error is to probable. I'm more than happy to replace it with something else, but like I said, coming up with those skills is not easy if you want to keep the theme of "Thunderstorm".
It seems like most elements either have skills designed to reward them for a lot of early combat or for simply building, breeding, digging, etc.
Really looking forward to this though. Keep up the good work!