My biggest note: I still feel like trading with other players should not require a skill point. What a pain.
I voted for Entropy and Darkness as most powerful for the third time in a row. If mage hunter was changed to a max of 3 spell cards I'd be more comfortable with the whole Darkness tree.
I feel like the Fire tree is a tad weak because it's a popular element with strong standalone cards, and I'm fine with that. But Entropy continues to be voted the most OP, on top of a strong following and a great cardset as evidenced by the War. If Illusion of Power wins the Entropy player upped cards, it's OP for a Tier 1 skill. I'd also consider switching Trickster and Nihilism or maybe moving one skill that limits your opponent in deckbuilding to the other side of the tree. Nihilism is out of place with Shapeshifter et al, I know, but too many deckbuilding constraints is hard to overcome, especially at a low level. As is a level 5 Trickster in the arena will trounce everybody else.
I also voted for Time as most powerful. A level 8 Champion is win, but more importantly the Research skill means a player without Breeding (for example) can consume a Relic and breed up to (6 per action * 3 actions per round * 6 rounds =) 108 creatures. It also gives you access to every mark, the black market, and nine different fast travel modes. In a pinch you could use it to Treasure Hunt (water skill) and net 4 relics in 6 turns. It's flexibility might make it OP.
What does "take minor damage" mean from Phoenix Rider (fire skill)?
Does Pack Hunter (life skill) work in the Arena?
We have skills that require us to discard a card, skills that require us to discard a relic, but no skills that require us to discard an upped card. Food for thought.
Lastly, I don't like the Fireguard tree. Build a Forge seems particularly useless because there won't be many lava hexes and someone else will build a forge there before I can. Maybe I'll just build and destroy my own forges, earning almost 2 XP and 50 electrum per turn.
Good feedback. I have some answers.
"Trading" skill. There will be a way to trade with other players even without this skill. The reason it's still vague is that I don't yet know what the exact trading system will be. One option is to use the Global Auction which is open to everyone no matter where you are located (practicality over realism). Second option is to trade with allies who are in your hex.
For this "Trading" (or maybe "Improved Trading") skill I was thinking something like trading with players that are
not in your hex, or maybe trading with non-allies. I don't know yet. It will be decided later.
Yes, Mage Hunter might be a bit OP. Limiting the amount of spells like you suggested could work.
About Illusion of Power and upped cards. There is a new rule. WoE will work the same way as War does, meaning that
players don't own upped cards. They own unupped cards and can only use upped cards if their skills let them to do that. So you cannot salvage upped cards.
Breeding. You need two cards to produce 1 card. So this example of yours requires the person to have 216 cards to produced those 108 cards. Not that easy.
One thing. You do know that you can take skills from any of the 13 skill trees, even without "Research"?
"Minor damage" is most likely discarding one card per round.
Some skills, like Pack Hunter, won't work in the arena.
Forge might be more useful than what the current (test) map suggests. Also the numbers are all still just random numbers I put there so they will all see some changes once we get to beta.
Thanks for the feedback.