I'm a little bored, so I'm going to organize a list/table (yay for those!) for the quests we have so far. I'll try to update this when we get more quest ideas:
Note that the table below is just for organization purposes only for the WoE to see easily. I'll be organizing these Quests revolving around
Battles first (killing people), then
Movement (what actions you use, using an action repeatedly), then
Resources (Wonders, conquering cities, finding resources, etc.), and finally
if your idea is not exactly worded as in your post, it was either due to the fact that I wanted to make it more versatile (changing numbers to 'X' for variable quest difficulties), or because it shared similarity to another quest (See Sharpshooter/Nuker/etc. for details). Also, if your quest isn't on the table as shown, it was because it was either worded poorly to the point where I can't figure out what it means, or it's inappropriate (see icecoldbro's last quest in his first post in this topic

Demagog, I just realized that it would be INCREDIBLY devious if, occasionally, the 'quest' that you'd obtain regularly from a spot would actually become a hinderance/curse as you mentioned below. Your 'quest' (marked by (!)) is something that would be pretty cool to have, but not in the first round due to complexities.

~ = Includes all of the quest names related to the idea in question
** = Some of these ideas are overlapping, so it'd be best if I combined the descriptions together to make them more generic
+ = Based on my opinion only, and only used for example purposes
(Difficulty is based on # of

's there.

= easy, while

= 'epic'. Variable quests have difficulties depending on what 'quest' is specified)
EDIT: Difficulty levels are based on SG's 4-way level-difficulty system.
Quest Name~ | Description** | Difficulty+ |
Killing Spree/Goliath | Win X number of times in a row. |  |
Hunter | Beat the same player X times in a row. |  |
Quick Shots/(Bloodlust) | Win (Fight) Y battles in Y consecutive turns |  |
Ace/Champion/(Let there be Blood) | Kill X amount of people (without dying or returning to your capital city at any time) |  |
Sniper/Outlaw/(David) | Name someone and kill them./Kill someone in Outlaw City./(Kill someone with at least 50 more points than you) |  |
Bloody Murder/Assassination/(Warrior) | Kill a Master/General (of your opposite element). |  |
Sharpshooter/Nuker/(Conqueror)/(Total War*) | Name an element. Kill someone (X people/EVERYONE*) from that same element. | Variable |
Ouch | Have your team attack an entire element and win in all of the battles for one round |  |
Ambush/"They came from... behind!" | With the help of an elemental ally, defeat/attack a player by fighting him on his original spot/at the same time | Variable |
"Revenge is a dish best served cold" | Find a player who you lost to in a battle. Have your revenge by attacking him/her and winning the battle. |  |
Ironic, isn't it? | Kill an enemy using approximately X% of their deck with similar cards. | |
"Homesickness" | Return to your capital city every time you defeat an opponent, for at least X battles. | |
"Hypochondriac" | Whenever you lose a battle, always return to X spot. You must do this for Y lost battles. | Variable |
Stone Wall/To Protect and Serve | Fend off X attacking players. (Meaning you did not move from your location) |  |
Shy/(Behind Enemy Lines) | Stay in your city (an enemy city) for X turns (without attacking anyone). | Variable |
Incoming!/{Claustrophobia} | Become surrounded by enemy players/'impassable' terrain spaces. {Surround an enemy player completely} |  |
"Show Me Your Moves!" | Use all of the following moves within 6 turns without losing a battle: Move + Attack, Move + Defend, etc. |  |
Berserker/Coward/(The Wait)/(Monk*) | For the next X moves, always use "Location+Action"/(Don't do any actions until someone attacks you)/(*Don't attack for X turns) |  |
Pathfinder/(Magellan) | Enter X different (every) elemental territories without dying. | |
Espionage | Get within X hexagon(s) of an enemy elemental's capital and return to your own territory alive. | |
"No parking"/See No Evil | Hang around another elemental's capital city/'spaces' without fighting for at least X turns. |  |
Traveler | Go trough the territories of X different elements. | |
Treasure Seeker/"Greedy"/(Bounty Hunter) | Obtain item X/"Nab X special resources found within the map terrain during YY turns."/(Obtain 13 different rares) |  |
X Errand | Travel to X (elemental land). For each turn traveled while in this land, gain an elemental point. Return here to deliver the points and gain Y per point. | Variable |
Stealth is Key/Wanderer/(Somewhere Over the Rainbow) | Take an 'object of interest'/Capture X (All) different wonders on the map. | Variable |
No Room for Mistakes/(Now What were you Going to do w/That?) | Capture/(Defend) a Wonder/Enemy town/(Town under attack) for X rounds. |  |
"Bodyguard" | Choose an elemental ally or player to 'protect' for X turns. If they are killed/defeated in X battles within those turns, you fail this quest immediately (this does not include battles that they engage you in). | Variable |
"The Diplomat" | Find a way to have 3-4 or more players (of DIFFERENT elements) to share a rare or special space within one turn. None of the players can be attacking in order for this to be completed.
| |
"Sightseer" | Visit X amount of Wonders within a round. By 'Visit', you have to simply be within 1 hexagon range of the Wonder in question.
|  |
(!)Plague | Lasts five turns and may not be canceled. Lose 3% of your gold each turn. Infect all players you come into contact with during this time. You may not become infected by this strain more than once. | - |