Here's something I have been working with for the past few days. It looks pretty simple but it's more complex under the hood and should be useful for organizers.
Idea is to give basic information about all Elements, such as..
- players
- controlled hexes
- current wealth and revenue
- settlements (cities, towns and fortresses)
Number next to players is their level.
Hexes generate revenue as follows:
- 40

for City
- 20

for Town
- 10

for others
REVENUE / DAY is how much that element generates revenue per Day. Note: this money does NOT go directly to players, it's money the whole team uses for various things that will be explained later.
WORK / DAY is how much a player can earn

by using the
Work action. It is calculated by dividing the total revenue by number of players in the team.
Number next to settlement is the HP of its Wall. If Wall is 0, hostile players can enter and try to conquer the settlement.
If you have any feedback, please let me know. Thanks.
We can now finally move forward with the event. I will post Day 6 after I've gotten some much needed sleep.