I hope you guys don't mind if I give a tad bit of input regarding this concept. ^^;;;
If crafting is going to be implemented, I already had a very simple system using
pillars as the main form of conversion/resource material for crafting. The equations could be as simple as these:
Pillar (of one type) + Pillar (of another type) = Pendulum (of either type)

pillar +

pillar =


Dragon (of one type) + # pillars equivalent to the Dragon's cost (of another type) = Dragon (of the new type)
Example: Devonian Dragon (

) + 10

pillars = Black Dragon
...that, OR you could make the crafting system only applicable for certain items (Weapons, Alchemy spells, Shields, and Pillars/Pendulums).
I prefer the upper equations, because then all it takes is the appropriate amount of pillars to craft or 'convert' creatures to the appropriate type, or create new cards (pendulums, weapons, etc.) using several types of pillars and permanents. Excessive crafting would be bad, because then you'd have no quanta source to play them (unless you had nova, but that's a different story). ^^;
Just my opinion though. Sorry for intruding.