I'm going to try my hand at this as well

A once large city, now scarecly populated, but likely to change. The population is never constant, with inhabitants coming and going as they please, with large groups of people arriving or leaving for no particular reason. It relies on it's crops to keep it alive, and they have a large harvest of only one crop, however this is rarely ever the same next year. Due to the great surplus of it's one exported good, it is relatively poor, and it's inhabitants are likely to go through mood swings and strange ilnesses due to malnutrition. There are rumors of abominations and chaos seeds under the farmland, which the inhabitants say explain the crop cycle and side effects.

Stone Town
A medium sized town, having a very distinct feature among the land of Elementia. It is entirely underground. As a result, they often find many jewels, and do not understand their true worth, with many inhabitants crafting them and using them as everyday goods such as coffee mugs and levers. They export haematite and steel to the outside world, and it is speculated that they have golems guiding them through the tunnels and using their incredible force to help them. Stone Town is a popular destination for tourists to escape the 'above ground' way of life, and get their hands on cheap gemstones.

A once closed scociety, ruled by a cruel dictator is now the most welcoming city in the "land of death" (please fix when name is known). It generates many tourists, as it is the home to the one great Mummy of the enslaver, who came from a land unknown to them. There is a rumor that he may one day rise when brought back to his time, and bring back his vast army, but this is now treated as a myth. Another tourist attraction is the huge bone wall, which for a small fee of electrums, can be be attacked in hope to destroy it. It is said the bonewall was placed when the ruler was at his prime, and his army was massive and unstoppable, however this is unconfirmed.