@SG, I'm not suggesting any spreadsheet method. Quest is always "Kill the Evil King". Of course, I wont be on the either organizing side of quests or playing side of quests, so... yeah. I'm fine with whatever you guys decide.
I was also under the impression that organizers will follow that kind of data (have their own data on who did which quest already), to prevent "problems".
It is settled then.
After thinking about it some more, I think that a 3-digit code would be very useful for organizers because they can instantly identify the type, difficulty level and place in the "quest chain". So yeah, we should definitely have that. But like I said, having players type in these codes, or even showing them the codes, would be unnecessary.
Lets go with that and see what happens. It's easy to change later if needed.
yup, but on a lighter note: I finished a reconstruction on the beta CS (https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AokbSsM9MdkzdEl3aE9xSTZBLTBkRHRlelZETzNPQUE&hl=en&authkey=CNeW9aAE)
New features:
-Personal Card Vault tab
-[slightly] Improved Layout
-Skills tab
-New form (https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dEl3aE9xSTZBLTBkRHRlelZETzNPQUE6MQ) (please don't submit anything or it will cause problems)
That "reconstruction" looks a lot like my version of the Character Sheet. In fact, it
is my version of the Character Sheet.
I appreciate your help, but I'll probably finish the Character Sheet myself. Apart from some minor tweaks, it's pretty much finished already. You can of course give suggestions and I'll listen, but I'm trying to say that it's better to have beta version of the Character Sheet in one place and make changes to that, rather than having almost identical versions of it all over the place and confuse everyone.
This is the current beta version:
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,16613.0.html where I will add stuff as it comes along. All others are not the current beta version.