Wouldn't that be what the auction house is for though? Buying 'used' cards and items and different prices? If not, and more of a "hightest bidder wins" type of deal, maybe there could be a street market, or a blackmarket where people could get cards cheap, or be able to haggle prices and what not. But maybe have the blackmarket move around and be hard to find.
That's a good point. Auction will definitely replace a lot of regular card buying.
Now that I think about the Auction some more, I really think that we need to make more cards rare and also increase their prices. I mean we cannot have them cost 1, 2 or 3 because then the auction would be lame. Probably better to start with cheapest cards costing 10 electrum, while some of the rare ones might go for 40-50 (just an estimate).
I get the RP side of auctioning, selling, bargaining etc, but those stuff are hard to track, and require lots of additional communication between the players. IMO, this should be simple as possible as building certain decks will become a nightmare if you have to write crapload of PMs or posts to get a single card.
I think that the auction would be relatively easy to do actually. I first thought to have auction houses in each city/town, but then I thought that it would probably be annoying having to go to a city/town just to bid on cards. I then decided that we need an Auction section where you can bid on
any time, but you can only collect your winnings in a town.
So if I want a sell a card, I will start a
new post about it, where I include both the starting price, "buy now" price, and an auction clock. You guys will then bid on that card, and when the clock goes to zero (or buy now price is paid), the auction is over and I will lock the topic.
We could have an "Auction Master" to organize the whole thing. It shouldn't be that complex if we do it correctly.
About making some cards more rare - again, nice idea that could turn to nightmare for some elements. Ie, death has no perma control cards. Its surrounded by darkness that has a rare steal, and fire that they may as well be in war with, and never gain access to explosions. Bam, rules just made it impossible from players of that element to deal with permanents.
Nymph tears and Aflatoxin are worthless cards for water and death, while something like Fractal is super important to aether. BB is the only CC available to earth.
In a RP sense, its cool idea to make some things hard to obtain, but if you're seriously hurting fighting abilities of element by doing that, then I'm not sure its a good move.
I'd rather make alternatives rare. For example, make Grabbies rare for earth. Its a super strong card, but earth has other creatures to deal damage until they can "unlock" grabbies. UG is a great example for a rare card. Air doesnt really need it, but opens a new strategy for them if they get it.
I would like the rare cards to be the most sought after cards of that element.
supply and demand. If something is awesome, everyone wants it, making it more difficult or pricey to obtain. If something sucks, nobody wants it, and it's easy and cheap to obtain. That's what being rare should be about.
One option is to make it easier to get the rare card of your elements. For example, if I'm

, I can buy Fractal from a regular store. If I'm something else, I need to use the auction or get it as a quest reward.
This system would make alliances stronger because you can supply you allies with the rare card of your element.