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Battle Stance https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9250.msg108929#msg108929
« on: July 06, 2010, 10:14:05 am »
I decided to break down the battle mechanics because it's such a big part of this event.

Battle Mechanics
Battle Stance

We will merge actions and battle stances. From now on your default battle stance will be Defend. If you want to change your battle stance, you need to spend 1-2 actions. Non-default battle stance lasts only one turn, after which you are back to default stance.

0 action points

This is the default battle stance. Unless you use an action to change your battle stance for the round, you will always be considered using Defend. Defend means that you will not fight unless attacked. If you are in a hexagon with your enemy, nothing happens unless that enemy attacks you.

1 action point

This is the general attack stance. It means that you attack any enemy in the same hexagon as you. You will not attack your allies. Who you fight will be decided randomly.

Attack *name of a player*
This stance means that you attack only one specific player, and only if that player is on the same hexagon as you. Against all other players your stance is the default Defend. This stance can be used to break a truce or an alliance.

Protect *name of a player*
This stance is used to protect an ally or a friend. If that ally gets attacked, you will take his/her place, unless that ally has the attack or aggressive attack stance, in which case Protect is canceled and you go back to Defend.

Flee means you want to avoid a battle. If some other player tries to attack, you will automatically move to a neighboring hexagon (towards your home city), avoiding a battle. Special rule: you cannot use Flee and Move during the same round.

You will surrender if attacked. Duel will be skipped, you take a loss and get sent back to the nearest allied town/city. Upside is that you only lose half the cards you would have lost if had you fought and got defeated. Winner takes full salvage.

2 action points

You will prepare for battle will receive a bonus during a duel, most likely extra upped cards. If your opponent uses Aggressive Attack, fortify bonus is doubled.

Aggressive attack *name of a player*
Aggressive attack means that you are willing to pursue your specified enemy. It's useful in a situation where both you and your enemy start the round in the same hexagon and you suspect he will try to get away by moving to another hexagon. In that situation a simple attack would be useless. Player with aggressive attack will actually follow the other player if that player tries to move away. Unless there are some special circumstances, there's no way to escape an Aggressive Attack. Only way to avoid it is if your ally uses the Protect stance and takes your place on the battlefield.

Siege *number of a hexagon*
Hostile cities and towns cannot simply be entered at will, you need to break down defenses first by moving to a neighboring hexagon and using Siege. When you successfully use Siege, you will decrease the "health points" of that city/town. Once the HP of the town/City is zero, you will automatically enter it and claim that territory. Some towns/cities might have a garrison, which means that you have to fight it first and win before damaging the town/city itself. If you are Attacked while doing Siege, the siege gets canceled and your stance becomes Defend.

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Re: Battle Mechanics: Battle Stance https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9250.msg117043#msg117043
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2010, 10:44:06 pm »
This topic seems important enough to warrant proper conversation.  Since I will be Other, and assumingly no allies can be made, will the Protect option still apply to us?  I mean can I protect just some random player from any element if I want to surprise his opponent for some extra salvaging?
Else known as "JonTheBon"

I also make videos and stuff.


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Re: Battle Mechanics: Battle Stance https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9250.msg117279#msg117279
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2010, 05:53:19 am »
This topic seems important enough to warrant proper conversation.  Since I will be Other, and assumingly no allies can be made, will the Protect option still apply to us?  I mean can I protect just some random player from any element if I want to surprise his opponent for some extra salvaging?
Yes, you can. At least I cannot think of any reason why we shouldn't allow it.


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Re: Battle Mechanics: Battle Stance https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9250.msg138371#msg138371
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2010, 09:39:56 am »
Hey how about salvage (3AP) Requires 2 players, both play this, one uses 2AP, one only 1 and attacks. Would save more cards and the newbies would get a chance to get some good cards.


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Re: Battle Mechanics: Battle Stance https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9250.msg138406#msg138406
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2010, 11:15:42 am »
Hey how about salvage (3AP) Requires 2 players, both play this, one uses 2AP, one only 1 and attacks. Would save more cards and the newbies would get a chance to get some good cards.
When we talk about battle, what does that mean? One player is fighting and the other one is salvaging?

Sounds a bit weird to me, not to mention complicated.


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Re: Battle Mechanics: Battle Stance https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9250.msg138452#msg138452
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2010, 01:14:59 pm »
Well, it is complicated, but not that weird. I mean, they work together to get more cards. but complicated... that, it is.

Re: Battle Mechanics: Battle Stance https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9250.msg193312#msg193312
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2010, 04:53:31 pm »


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Re: Battle Stance https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=9250.msg222597#msg222597
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2010, 03:12:31 am »
*Edited: The Battle*
About what a player can do and how he does it:
Things that costs AP: (AP is restored after one day, which means a round lasts 24 hours)
+Defending (1AP)
+Attacking (2AP)
+Moving (includes walking, teleporting, fleeing--not from a siege) (1AP)
+Trading--sets of walking when out of your empire’s territory, and teleporting when inside it.
Things that costs Stamina: (Stam is produced every hour)
+Buying, selling, auctioning
+PvP in Arena
+Fleeing--from a siege (60% of Stamina Capacity), counted as 1 loss, can be used during fight.
+Spying (60% of Stamina Capacity)
Things doesn’t cost anything but you can only do it limited times a day:
+Donating and banking (resource, cards, electrum) x2
+Retreat x1

They can be: PvE at certain level, win against a kind of element, win a set 3 of successive victories, complete another quest from a lower Part several times; or PvP; trading.
Quests give EXP, Electrum, Resource--used for Cultural Victory, and an amount of score.
Although you can do quests alone, multiple players can team up and do the same quest (depending on the number of player the quest allows). This helps reduce AP consumption of the whole empire. For example, A has a trading quest, he needs 2 men to escort him--B and C. B and C have killing-monster quest. On the route, A gets attacked by NPCs, B and C get his back and the winning will still count for the three men. Moreover, B and C lose only half the AP as when they spend it on following their quest alone.
Whatever quest you do, remember that Conquest/Cultural Victory is the most important.

Defending v.s. Attacking v.s. Bonuses (what kind of bonuses?) and the Battle
There are two types of defending: Guarding and Defending, using 1 AP against each attacker.
Guardians are players who are assigned to protect cities, towns, wonders--the number of Guardian depends on Garrison of the defended target. This type always gets bonuses.

Defenders are normal players who are doing quests, PvP, PvE, or on trading route. Gain defending bonuses against the attacker who has more than 25% upgraded cards in use when the defender has none.

Attackers are players, npcs. There are two types of attacking: Assaulting and Sieging, using 2 AP. Gain attacking bonuses when the defender has more than 25% upgraded cards in use and the attacker has none.

The Battle
Small group assaulting:
The group who has won more than 50% of the total fights wins. The number of fights = the biggest group.
Group 1 assaults group 2, e.x. Group 1 has 10 and Group 2 has 4 => Reach 5 wins to win.
Fight 1: 4 players from each group fight once. Each can use Flee once if he has enough Stam or dies (Flee or Die is counted as one loss, Die is counted as one casualty). Call X the higher number of win.
Fight 2: n players from each group fight each other (n = 5 - X)
Rule: if a player has used Flee, his next battle is skipped once.

The King has to declare war with the rival empire one round before the siege.
Attackers can start a siege by sending army from maximum 3 towns which are next to one another and next to the border line of the declared-war empire, most importantly, one of the attacking towns must be next to the defending one. Players from these three towns are counted as one army as a whole.
An army from both side contains:
+A commander--appointed by the King. He has the right to assign players’ job and position.
+60% of players chosen on purpose by the Commander (Guardians for denfending side and Frontiers for attacking side)
+40% of players that still have any AP, chosen randomly from the rest citizen of the towns. (Ran-Defs for defending side and Ran-Atks for attacking side)
+One siege weapon for attacker’s side. (if any)
+One wall for defending side (if any)
A siege last one round (24 hours) and divided into 2 stages, 12 hours for each.
First stage is for the attacker to spy and launch the attack. This is assigned by the Commander.
Second stage is divided into 12 sets--1 hour for each, army from two side is split in 24 groups in total (see small group assault). 
An email contains players of 12 groups is sent to related players immediately when stage 1 starts. If a player can't join the group that the system gives him, he can exchange it with another teammate once. He has 12 hours to respond to the Commander and to change his group. After 12 hours (stage 1 ends), if a player does not respond, his deck of card will be controlled by a npc.
Two opponents won’t know about each other until they fight.
A player can fight the stage 2 twice and flee once (skip one set for the next fight if flee is used)
A player who wins once can use Retreat to rest and rejoin the battle AFTER the Wall collapses.
Siege weapon deals damage to Wall every hour as long as after a set of 4 (1-2-3-4;5-6-7-8; 9-10-11-12) casualties (died players) of attacking side is not double the defending side. If the attackers fail this task, all attackers are counted as fleeing or retreat (if one doesn't have any Stam left) and the siege weapon gets destroyed.
A died player is considered 1 casualty. A player who used Flee is considered 1 loss (not matter much in a siege--read rule above)
A successful siege must qualified:
+Wall collapses (if any)
+Defender's loss doubles Attacker's loss after the wall collapses (after the wall collapses, the battle continues until attackers double defends' casualty or until 12th set or the Commander chooses to Retreat all players)

I wrote this under one day, so all suggestion will be appreciated.

