Multiple players can share one hexagon. There's no way around that because if we get 200+ players, there won't be enough hexagons for everyone.
If enemies move to a hexagon with Move + defense, there is no battle, but neither of the elements control the hexagon until one of them either leaves or is destroyed.
*smacks his head* Okay. NOW since multiple players can actually share a space (without owning it), this idea works pretty well - I can imagine some people just wanting to 'shortcut' through areas to get to a place as quickly as possibly (for a quest, to get a bonus, etc.), and thus they'll just "Move + Defense" to avoid having to deal with fights that could send them back a space (or worse - back to their home capital/starting position).
The point of Move + retreat is that the player will not have to fight no matter what.
Lets say there is a situation where you and a very strong player is close to one hexagon. You cannot know if the enemy will move to the same hexagon as you, but you also don't want to fight him. You choose Move + retreat which means that if the other player moves to the same hexagon, you will automatically retreat without a duel. If that player moves somewhere else, your retreat is canceled , and the Move + retreat basically becomes a simple Move.
If you chose Move + defense in that situation, and the enemy chose move and + attack, you two would have to fight.
So a passive move then? Hm... what would happen if two players did the Move + Retreat on the same hexagon? Would they (ironically) both flee back to their squares after seeing each other?

Okay, here's a more 'well-rounded' concept for the Move + Attack battling sequence that all players would simply type into one post. Players would have
5 options to choose from:
Offensive Move [Move + Attack]: Aggressively moves to a space (with or without an enemy) and engage any enemy within it. If multiple players are engaged in battle, only 1 fight per player will occur during each 'day'/round, until 1 is left remaining in control. The Attackers first attack each other, then those who are defending, and finally those who have 'stayed' (see option 4 & 5), until they lose/are kicked out or until they conquer the foe(s) to claim the territory.
Tactical Move [Move + Defend]: Defensively moves to a space (with or without an enemy) and avoid battle with anyone in that space UNLESS they are attacking. If two people move into a space with Defensive Move,
they may NOT own the territory, but they will share the space (stay on the same space together) unless someone attacks or until all but 1 person leaves.
Passive Move [Move + Flee]: Initially moves to a presumed empty space (you wouldn't want to use this in a space with multiple people in it

), but if another enemy is on the space or also moves into it, simply retreat back to your original space without fighting -
IF YOUR ORIGINAL SPACE IS BEING MOVED INTO, you are then using option 5. If there are no people within that space, they claim the territory.
Hot Zone [Stay + Attack]: Stay in your original position, but if anyone comes into your territory, begin attacking them.
Fortify [Stay + Defend]: Stay in your original position, but only attack someone if they attempt to fight you. Otherwise, share space with them if they use a Tactical Move [Move into your space Defending].
This option is automatically used for any player who fails to post an action, as well as those who have become 'inactive' over a period of time, and those who have retreated from a space using option 3 but are still be engaged by enemy forces....Am I doing it right SG?

I'm REALLY loving the moving/tactical aspect of WoE - it's pretty amazing on how many ways you can claim or otherwise use territories.

What if everybody chooses Move+Retreat except the strongest player? It would be a bit annoying to be running around trying to conquer the world, only to never have a battle because everybody's always running away from you. And you could never actually conquer the world because somebody who had always been picking move-retreat would just snap up a space as soon as you'd left.
Maybe it should be they can only retreat once then next turn they can't.
Yeah, that'd probably be the best option in case someone is being OVERLY passive to the point where they're just moving around the board trying not to fight and just 'leech' off of spaces. Eventually, you'll have to fight (unless you're inactive...), so you can only use option 3 once every other day/round.