Fantastic news for me, but how else will rare cards be obtained beyond quests, if they are going to be used at all?
This is yet to be determined.
Parley - If masters from 2 elements are in the same hexagon, they may each consume one action to ink a truce
Plunder - Gains more resources than harvest, but player may not initiate an offensive attack the next turn (still able to defend if attacked). Hexagon in question cannot be harvested/plundered for next 3 turns.
Parley is something that was going to be mentioned later in the "Alliances" topic. The name would have been different, but I like this "parley" more.
One thing though.. Masters won't be leading their elements in this event. We will probably have a King, although it goes pretty far from Elements theme.
Problem with plunder is that these "lasts 3 turns" type of things are a pain to organize unless we used a script. But things like that that would probably make this event a new game itself, pushing Elements the Game aside. But who knows, we might have something like this. Civilization the game has "Pillage" which works a similar way. Basically it destroys things built by your opponent and gives you resources.