WORLD OF ELEMENTSTaking War event to the next levelClick here if the image below is too big:
I originally got this idea by when seeing this image: in the Forum Games section.
Basically the idea is to take the War forum event to the next level by building a kind of a boardgame around Elements theme. It would be similar to what War event is now with the difference that players would be moving around a map.
That map is just something I made quickly in Photoshop so that it's easier for me to explain what this is all about. I took the map from Dragon Age: Origins, put hexagon on top of it, added some quantum icons, some color, etc. It's pretty crappy but it gives a good general idea what I'm talking about. I repeat: this map is not supposed to be taken seriously.
Each element has their place on the map with about 6 "home squares". You would get some kind of advantage when fighting on your "home square". Other squares would be "Other" squares where do bonus would be given.
Capital CityEach element would have a Capital City. If an enemy conquers a Capital City, that element gets wiped out. Capital Cities would have a better defense than regular squares.
ArmiesEach player would be an army that you can move around on the map. Team leaders would secretly give marching orders to Warmaster, who would then move all the armies at the same time and start a battle if necessary.
BattleWhen two or more players occupy the same square, they fight. Battles are done in Elements, just like they are done in the current War event.
Resource nodesThe map could have all kinds of different resources nodes that produce electrum, cards, whatever. Each turn a player holds a resource node, he gets the thing it produces.
What to buy with electrum?You can buy cards of course and even upgrade them. And even cooler, you could buy new armies aka new players! So if your team has 4 players, you could spend some cash to get a 5th player on the map.
We could also have:- Allies
- Generals (fully upped decks)
- Event Cards (one randomly drawn each turn. For example "During this turn you can only play mono-decks")
- Spies (given access to enemy forum section)
- False Gods somehow interfering with the War
I do know that this is a crazy idea, but if done correctly, it would be pretty cool I think. Also since this map thing is something Zanz is planning on doing with Elements, we might even give him some great ideas.
This idea is still under heavy construction. I'll write more stuff tomorrow.
Post your feedback and ideas.