Not going to do any fancy or silly writing stuff here, despite the name. I'll save that for the propaganda thread - this is an extremely vital thread.
First off, I'm ddevans. I've been on these forums for over four years, I was a Warmaster in the second, third, fourth, and fifth Wars, I'm currently the Master of Water, and I'm really excited about the next few months. Last war was a thorough failure - the auction went terribly, I made several critical errors, and my mental stability was steadily declining. I have learned from my mistakes, and I'm determined to make a strong showing in this war. To start, I'm hashing out a few basic rules.
Activity: This is absolutely crucial. You can have a team loaded with veterans and it means nothing if you can't get them online at the same time and working together, doing the things that need to be done. I want you all to post the times you can be online for the next week or so as soon as possible, especially during the first stretch of War. Getting off on the right foot is huge. We should be discussing something every single day, at the very minimum. If not, there's major holes in activity, and we're not doing the things we need to do to succeed as a team.
Organization: We will be utlizing the Main Topic system. This was designed by EvaRia, who was on my team last War, and she had used it as part of team Aether for several wars. I believe it to be the most solid form of organization I observed during my time as Warmaster, so it's the platform I want to build off of.
We will use forums for most of our discussion, with a chat for real-time discussion we can add to forums later. We'll be using a standard chat, not a whiteboard such as Titanpad, because it tends to separate and negatively impact team discussion.
Lieutenant: I'll be rotating the role of lieutenant depending on matchup, because all of you should be able to field the upgrades required for that. When we get to the point where not all of us can play each round, I'll rotate that too, so people aren't excluded completely from playing in the later rounds of war. Priority for both of these will be given to the most experienced and the most active.
Vault and Deck Building: This needs to be started as soon as possible, and worked on the entire opening week by everyone to get the best vault possible. The best course of action has generally been to select a number of base decks and fill in the rest with support. Last war, I failed at commandeering this, so we're going to follow a deck layout, which will be in another thread.
Sportsmanship: Respect everyone. This means yourselves, each other, me, the Warmasters, and other teams. When disrespect is thrown about, flaming and disputes happen that shouldn't, and these become detrimental to either the event, the teams involved, or both. If you think something is amiss that needs attention, bring it directly to my attention, and I'll discuss it with the Warmasters.