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Re: VAULT: Water https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=51311.msg1100492#msg1100492
« Reply #12 on: October 03, 2013, 07:25:27 pm »
Dims: As long as we go deep aether there's no reason not to take them. They shut down enough decks that the metagame can be almost built around them.

The pends are for the nymph rush. Obviously they're flex as we can use them for all sort of aether decks and not necessarily just the nymph deck.

I really like our entropy-water deck. There's no reason not to take four discords seeing as they're practically a deck on their own. The rest of the entropy cards is just some tech for that deck. Maxwell's is a metagame call. pillars are for purple nymphs and give some flexibility.

Sanc: I think we need a lightstall. It's always good to have one even if ours isn't necessarily the best.

I'd like more squids, I just put so many in for now to get an idea of how our vault looks.

Rage Potions: As long as we are doing a fire duo it's like having 6 more lightnings. It makes our steamy domin much more potent. Adn trust me, we'll want at least a couple CC heavy decks at some point.

Quints: These are tech for the nymph deck mostly. If the water nymph dies the whole thing just falls apart so early protection is a must. There's one or two other strong things we can do with the card like quinted Squids, so I don't see a problem in taking them. It's a relatively small investment and I can promise they'll never be dead cards in vault.

Maxwell's is tech for the entropy deck. They're not too hard to take out. Maybe Pandas would be better to kill early rushes. They can be a very strong metagame call though so I don't mind having 1-2.

EQs: I don't like our earth duo. It's not terrible but I don't think they're worth the slot. maybe a couple tridents for the waterbow but I wouldn't go all in on the other cards.

RTs: +4 imo is strong. I just don't like our time duo, but as long as we know we're rainbow splashing them I do like them. They're much stronger in a dedicated duo though, and we just don't have that.

Freeze: Freeze is really weak. It slows down rushes a bit but when we have such limited card slots I'd rather use them on something with more power.

Chrysaoras: I'm not sold on our death duo. I like a death-waterbow but not the straight up duo. I don't think we need too many of these as they're for a highly specific deck. 1-2 in rainbow splashes is strong though.

Dry Spell: I like these upped. Dessications would go well in our light stall, maybe. Maybe take 6 if we have room.

Flayers: I like 4.

Ice Dragons: They slide in well as a 2-of in a lot of decks. We /need/ 6 for the PU deck, and I'd like a few left over.

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Re: VAULT: Water https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=51311.msg1100516#msg1100516
« Reply #13 on: October 03, 2013, 09:50:10 pm »
I'm not sure I approve of the idea of scrapping anyone's system of organization, especially a general's...but I bid on you for your experience, and in a way it's my fault for not clarifying the purpose of that post, so I can accept it. However, there's a lot of things that need to be brought up.

Nymphcord has to have Gravity quanta, otherwise it's not Nymphcord. It's meant to be a DBH we can use with our own element, so Gravity quanta is the most important part of that deck. I think it's something we definitely want, but if we're putting it in, we need to do the whole thing at it's most powerful.

Antimatter is a very poor card to put in a Nymphcord. Demon is okay, but you're typically better off with more reliable damage. If you want a full Entropy duo on the side, I can accept that if we can make it work, but I would consider Nymphcord the more important deck here.

I can agree about the Death duo - for now, I'll remove the BWs from the vault. The Arses should stay for use in our Waterbow variants.

I don't like using Momentum as a splash, it's something I'd like having available for a rainbow, but there are so many ways to deal with shields that have other uses I don't want to build a deck around them. I'll leave this open for discussion, but card space is limited, and if we need to remove stuff, this will be one of the first things we lose.

I think an Earth duo is worthless without BB, but that makes it excellent, because it's cheap, it shuts creatures down for significant amounts of time, and it stops anything that comes out before Trident kills pillars. NTing Earth pends just isn't as fast. I would far prefer these over Momentum.

We have no real use for Life apart from taking Spirits in a rainbow - I don't find any Life duo to be useful in a mostly unupped metagame with this little vault space.

Fire domins are great and once we have that we only need a bit more to make a stall, so we'll certainly have Fire in the vault. I don't think we'll need 8 Steammies though, - I'll probably cut that down to 6 or 7.

Sanc stall is excellent. I like having Glories in there for damage if need be, and a few Holy Flashes are great against Death and Darkness, so we should bring those as well.

Skipping over Air because that's already good, RT is another card we can just take 6 of an splash into a deck that would otherwise be a mono. I feel we have better options, though, but I'll leave this open because it's still a viable option.

Our Darkness domin is set, so here's the last thing: Aether. It's pretty good for us, but just a couple things. For one, we're not going to need 12 Pends - I would say 10 is good. And remember, it doesn't need to be just Pends, we can add some Pillars in there as well. This does two things - makes quanta easier to regulate, and helps against EQ.

PU is an excellent card, it's worth giving us a whole new deck type with only 4 cards. Fractal is also excellent, having a couple copies enables us to OTK if need be via a dragontal and Ice Bolts.

If anything, I'd like to have 5 or 6 Dims, just for the best chance of being able to chain them. I'm not sure about Quints, but they're a good utility card, so 2 or 3 will probably be nice.

At this time, I'm making a few very small changes:

-1 Aether Pend
-1 Deflagration (5 should be good)
-2 Momentum
-1 Steammie
+2 Holy Light
+2 Crawler

We severely lack in-element quanta right now. Things will definitely have to be tossed - I figured this would happen, which is why I had the system I did set up, but whatever. We still have 16 hours to get this finished, we'll be fine.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2013, 09:58:32 pm by ddevans96 »
discord / twitter: palafrost - 2x master of water - false god enthusiast
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Re: VAULT: Water https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=51311.msg1100661#msg1100661
« Reply #14 on: October 04, 2013, 12:47:49 pm »
Consider our vault final. No more edits should be made.

I scrapped our entropy duo, because it would have been our least powerful deck (compared to aether, air, darkness, fire, and light duos, as well as the rainbow), and shifted some other stuff around. It's not ideal by any stretch, but considering our limited vault size, I think this is about the best we can do.

We're still low on quanta, but we have 24 conversions we can use before playing a duel, so we can better manage our quanta then.
discord / twitter: palafrost - 2x master of water - false god enthusiast
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Offline ddevans96

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Re: VAULT: Water https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=51311.msg1101532#msg1101532
« Reply #15 on: October 08, 2013, 01:23:44 pm »
This round's vault is final. Please do not change it unless you absolutely positive there's a major mistake.
discord / twitter: palafrost - 2x master of water - false god enthusiast
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