I'm currently plugging last war's vault into our current one to get an estimate of where we stand regarding card cost, and then I'll be doing some math to give us some guidelines for vault building.
I would prefer this thread to not be used for deck building and vault building - use the other two threads posted for those.
EDIT: I've plugged everything in. The vault is 269 cards, with a water cost of 4267 and a total cost of 14909, meaning we have an estimate of 3840 points to work with. This doesn't include SoP (new to this war) or reflective shields (which I mistakenly left out last war), but on the flipside it includes cards we're likely not going to run as many copies of due to high price (Nova, Graboid, Sanc, Dim Shield come to mind - we ran more than 6 of all of those last war). As such, I'll be doing calculations rounding to 15000 as our estimate, to create guidelines.