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Time Zone Dossier https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59767.msg1207869#msg1207869
« on: October 01, 2015, 08:09:12 am »
I've been discussing with Espi and dde about putting up a summary of the timezones of (hopefully) all 72 combatants of War #9, and both their answers are in the affirmative.

Feel free to chip in what timezone the other combatants are facing, particularly on entries listed under TBC; whether any of my dossiers are wrong; or when you guys cease to observe DST.
(AFAIK, I'm the only 'Frogman' that never observe DST, as well as easily being the farthest to the southeast one.)

Spoiler for How to read the Dossier:
This timezone table is sorted by teams (in Element order), then by timezone (DST have been applied if (s)he is known to observe it), then by name.

A star after the name means that I know that (s)he now does not observe DST.
A double star means that I know (s)he never observe DST.
A star and exclamation mark means that I know (s)he does not observe DST now and I know (s)he'll start to observe it before this Christmas.
A star and question mark means that I know (s)he does not observe DST now, but I don't know whether (s)he will start to observe it before this Christmas.

A hat after the name means that I know (s)he now observes DST; the timezone listed is then assumed to be the daylight zone, not the standard one.
A hat and question mark after the name means that I know (s)he now observes DST, but I don't know whether the time zone listed for the player have been adjusted for DST (i.e., whether it's their daylight zone or their standard zone).
A hat and exclamation mark means that I know (s)he did not observe DST when War started, and I know (s)he now observes it.

A question mark means I don't know whether (s)he now observes DST.

Any letter in parentheses after any of those marks indicates which other 'Frogman' gave me that information, using initials dde uses here.

["Now" refers to the latest update of this Dossier (V1.02 being composed in 1 October 2015, circa 1510 UTC).]

Spoiler for The Dossier:
:entropy Team Entropy :entropy
UTC-7: CCComboBreaker^
UTC-4: Discord^
UTC+3: iancudorinmarian^, dark ripper^
UTC+5-30: Asdfugio**
UTC+8: qwerter**

:death Team Death :death
UTC-7: rob77dp^
UTC-6: eljoemo^?, dragonsdemesne^(D)
UTC-5: rockstar1723^
UTC-4: ji412jo^
TBC: CrockettRocket,

:gravity Team Gravity :gravity
UTC-5: godisnowonline^?, Naesala^?
UTC-4: MeowMeowCat^
UTC-3: andretimpa*?
UTC+2: inthisroom^, Ginyu^

:earth Team Earth :earth
UTC-7: kirbylover314^?
UTC-5: theelkspeaks^(D)
UTC+1: Regyptic^, TheArrogantOne^?
UTC+2: Avenger^, Iorveil^

:life Team Life :life
UTC-6: mathman^?
UTC-4: skyironsword^, willng3^
UTC+3: entropystarrover^
UTC+10: dawn to dusk*?, Helston

:fire Team Fire :fire
UTC-6: flyingcat^?
UTC-4: bob8willie^
UTC-3: Vangelios*!
UTC+2: Jednorozec^, Odii Odsen^
UTC+3: vagman13^

:water Team Water :water
UTC-7: RulacMage11^(R)
UTC-6: ddevans96^(D)
UTC+1: JonathanCrazyJ^(J), Espithel^(E)
UTC+2: Spielkind^(S)
UTC+7: Basman-1453**

:light Team Light :light
UTC-5: seulintse^, AD Tienzustorm^?, Zso_Zso^?
UTC+2: Blacksmith^
UTC+3: hainkarga^
TBC: treebeard xiii

:air Team Air :air
UTC-6: Newbiecake^
UTC-4: mrpaper^?
UTC+1: Afdarenty^
UTC+2: rogerluc^
UTC+3: xn0ize^
TBC: farscape

:time Team Time :time
UTC+2: DANIEELA^, PlayerOA^, RavingRabbid^, SpikeSpiegel^
UTC+3: Luminous?
TBC: propheon

:darkness Team Darkness :darkness
UTC-4: trashduke^?, Aves^
UTC+3: Calindu^
UTC+10: RapidStar_*?, chrispybacon84^!
UTC+13: Physsion^!

:aether Team Aether :aether
UTC-5: sumtwig07^, bjessee^
UTC+2: Jenkar^
UTC+6: Zawadx**
UTC+8: Spacious**
UTC+9: UndeadSpider1990**

Spoiler for Credits, in no particular order:
  • Ninth War Rosters
  • Ninth War Auction archive
  • Team Water hub
  • Wikipedia and timeanddate dot com
  • Machinae Supremacy, for their music while I compose this Dossier's first version
  • Wanwan, for their music while I compose this Dossier's first version

Spoiler for Version history:
V1.03 (6 October, 1105 UTC)
Added Physs' timezone and US1990's DST observance (forgot to add that South Korea never observes DST~ orz) as well as correcting Spacious' DST observance.(Spacious is a Singaporean. Stupidly enough, I correctly listed another Singaporean, qwert, never to observe DST T_T)
Also, some of the southerly players have started to observe DST.

V1.02 (1 October, 1510 UTC)
Corrected MMC, added xn0ize

V1.01 (1 October, 1420 UTC)
Added dde's input (dragondemesne, elk)

V1 (1 October, 0815 UTC)
Initial version
« Last Edit: October 06, 2015, 11:15:09 am by Basman-1453 »
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Re: Time Zone Dossier https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=59767.msg1207871#msg1207871
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2015, 08:21:22 am »
dragonsdemesne: GMT -6, ^
theelkspeaks: GMT -5, ^

Only ones I'm completely sure of currently listed as TBC.
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blarg: CCComboBreaker,Discord,iancudorinmarian,dark ripper,Asdfugio,qwerter,rob77dp,eljoemo,dragonsdemesne,rockstar1723,ji412jo,CrockettRocket,godisnowonline,Naesala,MeowMeowCat,andretimpa,inthisroom,Ginyu,kirbylover314,theelkspeaks,Regyptic,TheArrogantOne,Avenger,Iorveil,mathman,skyironsword,willng3,entropystarrover,dawn to dusk,Helston,flyingcat,bob8willie,Vangelios,Jednorozec,Odii Odsen,vagman13,RulacMage11,ddevans96,JonathanCrazyJ,Espithel,Spielkind,seulintse,AD Tienzustorm,Zso_Zso,Blacksmith,hainkarga,treebeard xiii,Newbiecake,mrpaper,Afdarenty,rogerluc,xn0ize,farscape,DANIEELA,PlayerOA,RavingRabbid,SpikeSpiegel,Luminous,propheon,trashduke,Aves,Calindu,RapidStar_,chrispybacon84,Physsion,sumtwig07,bjessee,Jenkar,Zawadx,Spacious,UndeadSpider1990