This timezone table is sorted by teams (in Element order), then by timezone (DST have been applied if (s)he is known to observe it), then by name.
A star after the name means that I know that (s)he now does not observe DST.
A double star means that I know (s)he never observe DST.
A star and exclamation mark means that I know (s)he does not observe DST now and
I know (s)he'll start to observe it before this Christmas.
A star and question mark means that I know (s)he does not observe DST now, but
I don't know whether (s)he will start to observe it before this Christmas.
A hat after the name means that I know (s)he now observes DST; the timezone listed is then assumed to be the daylight zone, not the standard one.
A hat and question mark after the name means that I know (s)he now observes DST, but I don't know whether the time zone listed for the player have been adjusted for DST (i.e., whether it's their daylight zone or their standard zone).
A hat and exclamation mark means that I know (s)he did not observe DST when War started, and
I know (s)he now observes it.
A question mark means I don't know whether (s)he now observes DST.
Any letter in parentheses after any of those marks indicates which other 'Frogman' gave me that information, using initials
dde uses here.
["Now" refers to the latest update of this Dossier (V1.02 being composed in 1 October 2015, circa 1510 UTC).]