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Round 2 - Strategy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=24354.msg310882#msg310882
« on: April 13, 2011, 07:01:33 am »
:death MrBlonde

- Team Death General
- Lots and lots of diversity in deck choices, he's got some awesome deck builders in his team

- Rages when you call him James
- Purify > Poison


- These are the cards they used in previous matches.
Deck import code : [Select]4vj 4vl 52g 52h 52i 52l 52o 52p 52q 52r 52t 52v 542 55k 55v 590 592 593 594 5f6 5f9 5fc 5i7 5og 5on 5ro 61o 61p 61q 622
- In previous matches, they've been upgrading Flesh Recluses ALOT

- Novabow
- Mono :death Rush

:time Gl1tch

- Team Time Strategist

- Mono Time isn't that strong
- Their deck choices showed little diversity
- We can potentially stall better then them.
- Purify > Dune Scorpions

- These are the cards they used in previous matches.
Deck import code : [Select]4vh 4vi 4vj 4vl 4vn 55m 55q 562 590 593 5f6 5lf 5li 5ll 5lm 5og 5rg 5rk 5rl 5ro 5rp 5rq 5rr 5rt 5ru 5t2 5up 5v1 622
- Reverse Time and Dune Scorpions have been seen alot in previous matches
- They used Entropy cards alot in previous matches (discords and nova mostly)
- They used Light cards alot in previous matches (blessings on dunescorps and sanctuary mostly)

- GotP Nightmare
- Blessed Dunescorps
- Time/Entropy duo

:life PlayerOa

- Team Life Strategist
- PlayerOa has beaten Zeru, the current grand master, last round
- They used a wide variety of decks last round, it will be hard to predict their deck

- Let's test our deck vs USEM, Adrenascorps, Adrenafrogs, Mitosis decks.
- Rushes or at least fast decks seem likely?

- These are the cards they used in previous matches.
Deck import code : [Select]4vj 4vl 4vm 52o 55l 55m 55q 55r 55s 562 5bs 5bu 5bv 5c0 5c2 5c4 5c5 5c6 5c7 5c8 5c9 5de 5f4 5f5 5f6 5f7 5fc 5og 61t 622
- They used the altar alot last round, does that mean they are fond of event cards....?

- Novabow
- Mono :life Rush

:entropy 10 Men

- Team Entropy Strategist
- War veteran and previous war winner
- Experienced PvP player
- Entropy can play any tactic, ranging from CC heavy to Diss. shield/lance stalls to creature heavy decks.

- I expect a mono deck from team entropy (because of the event card)

- These are the cards they used in previous matches. (purple nymph is not included)
Deck import code : [Select]4sa 4vc 4vd 4ve 4vf 4vg 4vh 4vi 4vj 4vl 4vp 50u 52g 52o 52q 52r 590 593 5c1 5f4 5f6 5f7 5ia 5og 5oi 5rk 5up 61q

- Mono :entropy
- Diss Shield + Bolt stall
- Novabow

:aether UTAlan

- Team Aether Vault Organizer

- A stall from our side can potentially beat both mono Aether as Fractix (when using sanctuary)

- These are the cards they used in previous matches.
Deck import code : [Select]4vh 4vj 52o 52q 52r 55s 561 590 593 5c1 5f6 5f9 5fc 5ia 5if 5lc 5og 5oi 5um 5up 5uq 5ut 61o 61p 61q 61r 61t 61u 61v 624 63a
- They used alot of PU's in their previous matches

- Devtal
- Mono Aether
- Fractix + deflags
- Novabow

:fire Lava Golem

- Team Fire Strategist
- Can potentially stall better then us
- Can potentially rush better then us

- Does this event card make them less likely to stall us?

- These are the cards they used in previous matches.
Deck import code : [Select]52l 52o 52q 5f0 5f2 5f4 5f5 5f6 5f8 5f9 5fa 5fb 5fc 5gi 5l9 5lg 5li 5lm 5oo 5op 5rk 5ur 61o 61r 61t 622 624 63a

- Fractix (not likely vs us)
- Firestall (they got enough cards to make 2 full decks of these)
- Rushes (possibly mono :fire)

:earth Timerclock14

- Team Earth Vault Organizer
- Can potentially stall better then us


- These are the cards they used in previous matches.
Deck import code : [Select]4vh 4vj 52o 52q 55q 58o 58s 58u 590 592 593 594 595 5aa 5c1 5f6 5f9 5fa 5l8 5li 5lm 5mq 5og 5oi 5on 5rk 5ru 5ur 61q
- We can pretty much count on them using EQ's
- We can count on them using graboids, except if they stall.

- Graboid/Time combo
- Earth/Light Stall
- Novabow

:darkness Malignant

- Team Darkness Dogsbody


- These are the cards they used in previous matches.
Deck import code : [Select]4vj 52q 55q 55t 562 593 5ia 5l8 5ld 5ll 5lm 5mq 5on 5oo 5rg 5rk 5ru 5t2 5uk 5ul 5um 5uo 5up 5uq 5ur 5ut 5uu 5uv 5v0 5v1 606 61q 61t 621 622
- Lots of Devourers in previous matches, but theycan build a big variety of decks with these cards.

- Devtal
- Mono :darkness
- Vader Sader
- EQ/Dev Denial

Offline Tiko

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Re: Round 2 - Strategy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=24354.msg310954#msg310954
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2011, 10:41:16 am »
Just a quick note here: Shantu's handing out entropy basics, maybe we can learn something from it (they can come up with either of these):


:water   "..It is in this domain that the living suffer great extremes, it is here that the water-failures, driven to desperation, make start in a new element.
It is here that strange compromises are made and new senses are born."

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Re: Round 2 - Strategy https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=24354.msg310979#msg310979
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2011, 11:55:02 am »
So, we don't face  :gravity :light and  :air?

Oh, awesome.


:aether - We scared the permanents out of the hell with our massive deflagration deck. Now they'll think twice before trying to dim shield stall us.
:earth - They had some useful, but too predictable salvages. We must take this in knoweledge.
:entropy - The scar's gonna burn.

There are things worse than eating tuna directly from the tin

