Essence, we can't have 12 poisons. For water we can have up to 18 of a card, but from to other elements no more than 6.
And I think it can be wise to have some short swords, because it is better than trident, if you don't have earth in the deck (3 attack for 1 quantum, against 4 attack for 3).
And, as I said in the other tread, I would like to have 6 novae, because the deck I build with them works very well, and I'm intending to use it.
I would like to suggest the following changes:
-6 poison (because we can't have more)
+6 nova (because I like them)
+4 short sword (because they are pretty usefull)
-3 ice shield (because you don't need more than 1 or 2 in a deck, we won't need 12 of them)
-2 thunderstorm (because with air we already can use, shockwave, toadfish and owls eye, and thunderstorm is only usefull agianst very few decks)
And yes, I removed one more card then I added, because Xinefs vault calculator showed that you had used 361 cards.
(Vault calculator can be found here:,7126.msg84637#msg84637 (,7126.msg84637#msg84637))