[21:56] <rob77dp> hiya

[21:56] <rob77dp> kaboom
[21:56] <@ddevans> Where?
[21:58] <@ddevans> Anyways, hey rob

[21:58] <rob77dp> haven't seen Absol in a while... just doing a kaboom for the fun of it

[21:59] <rob77dp> who's ready for a test match?
[22:00] <Malignant> I might as well, before dd kills me
[22:00] <@ddevans> You need to do the decks though
[22:01] <@ddevans> That's what I'm pushing you on

[22:01] <rob77dp> "do the decks"?
[22:01] <Malignant> Since when have I ever been a good deckbuilder

[22:01] <@ddevans> Sorry, bad wording
[22:01] <@ddevans> Select 4-6 decks, like you/the others did
[22:02] <@ddevans> Mal, I'm not asking you to build decks, I'm asking you to look through decks that have been suggested, and pick 4-6 that would make the best core of the vault
[22:02] <rob77dp> ah, so building if you like otherwise simply using reasoning to select preferences?
[22:02] <rob77dp> where "best" = your preferred core of the vault

[22:02] <@ddevans> The decks are all built, or are easily buildable, we just need to pick which ones are actually in the vault
[22:03] <Malignant> Alright
[22:04] <Malignant> Do people run that 24 Water Pillars 6 Nymph's Tears deck in war

[22:04] <rob77dp> it _could_ be run, but it is a bit fragile to popular perms like Dims
[22:04] <rob77dp> Wings
[22:04] <rob77dp> and Lobo
[22:05] <@ddevans> Yeah, you can run a mono, it just has to be more fleshed out
[22:05] <@ddevans> Mono w/ deflag/steal splash better
[22:06] <@ddevans> I'm gonna add some decks to my own, and we'll cut the pool down to only decks that one of us has chosen - 15-20, probably
[22:06] <@ddevans> We can cut it down further from there
[22:06] <@ddevans> of my own*
[22:07] <@ddevans> Just need to make sure we have a good amount of PC, basically
[22:07] <@ddevans> And other perm evasion/bypass
[22:08] <Malignant> Jesus, so many Dimensional Shields and Grabbows
[22:10] <@ddevans> They be good
[22:13] <rob77dp> workin' up a modified version of Spiel's Entropy Duo with nymphs
[22:13] <@ddevans> rob: Nymphs how?
[22:13] <@ddevans> NT entropy?
[22:13] <rob77dp> via Tears
[22:15] <@ddevans> Ah, so purple nymphs? Awesome
[22:17] <rob77dp> ayup
[22:17] <@ddevans> Used a deck like that during Trials :3
[22:18] == Leg [4ca7a5ae@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##teamwater
[22:19] <Leg> hi
[22:19] <rob77dp> left or right?
[22:19] <Leg> so I posted on the deck layout thread, is what im doing correct?
[22:19] <Leg> @rob uhhh
[22:20] <Leg> left?
[22:20] <rob77dp> good evening Left Leg :0
[22:20] <rob77dp> *

[22:20] <Leg> good evening to you as well rob
[22:24] <rob77dp> alright, I'm ready to PvP-test this thing

[22:24] <@ddevans> Yep, good so far
[22:25] <rob77dp> who's up for opposing?
[22:25] <@ddevans> ./me pokes Malignant
[22:25] <@ddevans> Is doing the thing?
[22:25] <Malignant> Hmm?
[22:26] <Malignant> Thinking
[22:26] <@ddevans> Didn't mean to put that dot, ah well
[22:26] <@ddevans> Alright, great
[22:26] * rob77dp calls out Legit... let's test this :-)
[22:26] <rob77dp> *out = on
[22:27] <Leg> can anyone edit my posts?
[22:28] <rob77dp> usually General has edit rights on private section
[22:28] <@ddevans> I can, yeah
[22:28] <rob77dp> actually, it would let ME edit your posts, Legit

[22:28] <@ddevans> No one else
[22:28] <@ddevans> rob: Wait, you can?
[22:28] <rob77dp> just tested - I could
[22:29] <rob77dp> is it OK if I do a quick test and actually click "save" to see if it would really allow it?
[22:29] <@ddevans> hm. Legit, Mal, go to someone else's post in our section and see if you can modify it
[22:29] <Leg> ok thats good, edit the WIP deck layout when you make changes
[22:29] <Malignant> I can edit everyone's post
[22:29] <rob77dp> --^
[22:29] <@ddevans> rob: Yeah, just add a note at the bottom of some text post
[22:29] <rob77dp> in Team Water private section
[22:30] <rob77dp>
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/team-water/deck-layout/msg1159328/#msg1159328[22:30] <@ddevans> Alright, give me a second
[22:31] <Leg> rob I'm ready to test
[22:32] <rob77dp> searching
[22:36] <@ddevans> k, made an announcement, but I'll duplicated it here
[22:37] <@ddevans> DON'T edit posts, except Legit's WIP deck layout
[22:37] <@ddevans> And say your name, time, date, and changes made at the bottom of it
[22:38] <Leg> sounds good
[22:38] <rob77dp> gg Leg
[22:39] <Leg> gg
[22:40] <rob77dp> I think that version may be better than Spiel's posted deck
[22:41] <@ddevans> Code?
[22:41] <rob77dp> 4vl 4vl 4vl 4vl 4vo 50u 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5ie 5ie 5ie 5ig 5ig 5ig 5io 5io 5jm 6ts 6ts 6ve 7gk 7gk 7i6 8pj
[22:41] <Leg> also how many water nymphs do you guys have
[22:41] <@ddevans> Actually, hold on, let me try something
[22:41] <rob77dp> it represents what Legit has in his Dom B slot right now
[22:42] <rob77dp> <-- 3 Nymph Queens
[22:42] <Malignant> 3 Nymph Queens
[22:42] <rob77dp> 0 Water Nymphs
[22:42] <@ddevans> I have 7
[22:42] <Leg> I also have 3 lol
[22:42] <Leg> ddevans the oracle has rewarded your loyalty
[22:42] <@ddevans> We're 100% putting a small handful of them in the vault
[22:42] <rob77dp> 3 is a good qty for Queens
[22:43] <rob77dp> tree has some too, I think
[22:43] <@ddevans> Indeed he has. Felt nice to finally have one upped
[22:43] <Leg> so it should be no problem to run decks with 2-3 nymph queens
[22:43] == ddevans changed the topic of ##teamwater to: Welcome to Atlantis! Private forums:
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/team-water/ Deck generator:
http://dek.im/[22:43] <rob77dp> dd - your deck layout "numbers" are a running total, yeah?
[22:43] <@ddevans> There, that way you can easily post images here
[22:43] <@ddevans> rob: Yes
[22:43] <rob77dp>
http://dek.im/d/z34vl4vo50uz85i4z25iez25igz15io5jmz16ts6vez17gk7i68pj[22:44] <rob77dp> possible to get "section total" / "running total"?
[22:44] <@ddevans> hm. Second BE?
[22:44] <@ddevans> Yeah - I'll make that change in the OP, one of you do it in Legit's post
[22:44] <Leg> BE can only work on purple nymphs tho
[22:44] <rob77dp> purple a QUeen
[22:44] <rob77dp> bam - Butterfly it

[22:45] <rob77dp> *AM a Nymph Queen, now it can butterfly
[22:45] <rob77dp> next run can be AM'd back
[22:45] <Leg> thats smart. although you still need a purple nymph out in the first place
[22:45] <@ddevans> Admittedly I just toss steammies in there for BE. Drives a lot of vets insane, but it gets the job done
[22:46] <rob77dp> hmmmm, how many Purples do we all have?
[22:46] <@ddevans> Chrys works too, they're just really CCable
[22:46] <@ddevans> I have 8 purples
[22:46] <@ddevans> Legit, don't you have 13?
[22:47] <rob77dp> might be better to just play Queens and Purples -- queens to swarm and a purple or 3 to play instead of using QUeen ability to make 'em
[22:47] <Leg> I have more than enough purples
[22:47] <Malignant> I only have 1 Purple

[22:47] <rob77dp> <-- 3 Purple
[22:48] <@ddevans> hm, we can put one or two in there
[22:48] <@ddevans> I would still like the deck to have entropy quantaperms though
[22:48] <@ddevans> Gets discord out faster
[22:48] <rob77dp> hmmm, OK
[22:49] <rob77dp> I wonder if x3 Disco would suffice?
[22:49] <Malignant> k, lunch time
[22:49] <Malignant> Posted 2 of my choices
[22:49] <@ddevans> It may, but I really like 4, for draw consistency
[22:49] <Malignant> Will continue later
[22:49] <@ddevans> Mal: Thanks :3
[22:50] <@ddevans> Something I should note - we want the sanc stall in there, and then if we choose to use a sanc rush, just pull some cards out
[22:51] <@ddevans> I wouldn't like having just the rush, 5-10 extra cards for versatility is worth it
[22:51] <Malignant> That's why I put them in the same spoiler~
[22:52] <@ddevans> Exactly

[22:53] <rob77dp> OK, I have a few tweaks done - anyone for another spin against this?
[22:53] <@ddevans> btw, Sundials have the alternate use of being upped and put in the light stall
[22:53] <@ddevans> I just need to put that out there
[22:54] <Leg> we're only taking 4 atm, do you think we need 6?
[22:54] <@ddevans> I would, yeah
[22:54] <@ddevans> Well...hm
[22:54] <@ddevans> Maybe
[22:55] <@ddevans> Once we get all the decks in the layout, we can add in all the support cards, and see where it stands
[22:55] <@ddevans> I'd like to have 6 thought, yeah
[22:55] <@ddevans> though*
[22:55] <Leg> noted
[22:56] <@ddevans> (the 6 lighting and 6 RT will also go in support)
[22:57] <Leg> yay

[22:57] <@ddevans> Those are basically essential
[22:58] <@ddevans> Especially considering the lightnings can be swapped into the aether duo, and both can be dropped in any bow
[22:58] <@ddevans> In addition to just being mark splashes
[23:00] <rob77dp> also, note that BE can be used as soft-CC against an opponent that has no Entropy quanta
[23:00] <@ddevans> This is true
[23:00] <rob77dp> like Forest Spirit
[23:01] <rob77dp> or Lycan
[23:01] <rob77dp> (Lycan is entropy, but 3

to use the ability is very steep to a Grabbow running Lycans)
[23:01] <rob77dp> or squid
[23:01] <rob77dp> oh wait

[23:02] <@ddevans> Heh, we might see squid against us, you never know
[23:02] <Leg> can I test this experimental deck against someone
[23:02] <rob77dp> adrena'd staff...
[23:02] <@ddevans> It is our best card after all
[23:02] <@ddevans> (well...one of three)
[23:02] <rob77dp> the entropy, Legit?
[23:02] <@ddevans> Legit: Sure, anything in particular you want me to use
[23:02] <rob77dp> Wardens... Otyughs
[23:02] <Leg> random
[23:03] <Leg> or your choice
[23:03] <@ddevans> k, gonna randomize from your post
[23:03] <rob77dp> my latest version:
http://dek.im/d/4vcz34vl4vo50uz85i4z15iez25igz15io5jmz16ts6vez17gk7i68pj[23:04] <@ddevans> rob: Sweet, want to post that somewhere?
[23:04] <@ddevans> It seems a bit low on damage, not sure though
[23:05] <Leg> you can edit my post to change the entropy duo in there
[23:05] <rob77dp> damage is all dependent on Queen-ing up
[23:05] <rob77dp> and dropping a few toads
[23:05] <rob77dp> in-game decision is to spam Queens first or get a Purple ASAP
[23:05] <@ddevans> k, Legit, ready
[23:05] <@ddevans> ign = ddevans96
[23:06] <rob77dp> a General-version may gain lots of strength though
[23:06] <@ddevans> Yeah, definitely
[23:07] <rob77dp> General maybe this:
http://dek.im/d/4vc4vo50uz85i4z25igz15io5jmz16tsz36u56vez17gkz17gm7i68pj[23:08] <@ddevans> Yeah, something around that
[23:10] <@ddevans> Legit?
[23:10] <rob77dp> just used BE on an AI3's Oty and double-Purple'd to avoid twin Oty's early
[23:10] <Leg> sorry
[23:10] <Leg> ready
[23:14] <rob77dp> another note: if you expect to need to use the AM-self + BE + Destroy trick on your own creature, save up the Entropy a turn or two in advance
[23:14] <rob77dp> it takes 4 (AM) + 5 (BE) + 3 (Destroy ability) = 12

[23:15] <Leg> ok actually this deck idea is too silly lol
[23:15] <rob77dp>

[23:15] <Leg> it can only win against fractix with no RoF
[23:15] <@ddevans> Heh, yeah, I don't think it'd stand up in war
[23:15] <@ddevans> Thought about it in Trials though
[23:15] <rob77dp> it would beat a PU-gons I think?
[23:16] <rob77dp> I guess after game 1 opponent would hold back for a OTK or TTK though?
[23:16] <Leg> it works best with life/light because of the spammable creatures
[23:16] <@ddevans> PUgons are deceptively fast
[23:17] <rob77dp> PU-gons was Death's 2nd best deck last two Wars
[23:19] <@ddevans> Behind what?
[23:19] <rob77dp> *sigh* Grabbow :-/
[23:20] <@ddevans> Ah, of course
[23:21] <Leg> btw this is the most op war deck ever: 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vl 4vl 4vl 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 590 590 590 590 590 590 593 593 5ia 61q 6u1 6u1 6u1 7dm 7dm 8pm
[23:22] <rob77dp> Leg - I would go -1 Graboid +1 EQ in that to go full-OP :-D
[23:22] <Leg> this was my inspiration for the fastbow
[23:23] <rob77dp> what will our Disco-deck be for Vault?
[23:24] <rob77dp> i.e. - what Entropy duo?
[23:25] * rob77dp 's working on one now
[23:27] <@ddevans> Should have entropy quantaperms
[23:27] <rob77dp> ... pillar/pend?
[23:27] <@ddevans> Yeah
[23:27] <@ddevans> ...how do I scan pictures on this computer
[23:28] <@ddevans> Ah well, whatever
[23:28] <@ddevans> Anyways, yeah, should have those for NT>Purples
[23:29] <rob77dp> balancing such a deck is proving VERY difficult
[23:29] <rob77dp> as the mark basically has to be Entropy so it can be >=50% water cards
[23:29] <rob77dp> but... maybe not
[23:31] <@ddevans> hm. Look at my match against Sci in trials
[23:31] <@ddevans> Used a 50% water, water mark version there
[23:32] <rob77dp> wait, it's already built? why am I struggling with re-building it?!? :-o
[23:32] <@ddevans> ...sorry, I should have mentioned that sooner X)
[23:35] <@ddevans>
http://dek.im/d/z14vc4vlz14voz250uz15i4z25idz25igz15iiz15jmz16tsz26u5z16vez27gm8pp[23:35] * rob77dp dug up your match summary post
[23:36] <rob77dp> already set for a 6-up version AI3 test

[23:47] <rob77dp> marco?
[23:49] <@ddevans> polo!
[23:49] == rob77dp [18fd35b1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[23:49] <@ddevans> Sorry, was just scanning the newsletter puzzle and submitting it
[23:49] == rob77dp [18fd35b1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##teamwater
[23:49] * rob77dp is back
[23:50] <@ddevans> [23:49] <@ddevans> polo! [23:49] == rob77dp [18fd35b1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] [23:49] <@ddevans> Sorry, was just scanning the newsletter puzzle and submitting it
[23:50] <rob77dp>

[23:50] <rob77dp> this entropy duo is a tough cookie to get to flow smoothly :-/
[23:50] <@ddevans> Solved the puzzle itself the first night
[23:50] <@ddevans> Didn't actually get the clue until now
[23:50] <@ddevans> hm
[23:51] <@ddevans> What do you have right now?
[23:55] <rob77dp> so far, this:
http://dek.im/d/z14vcz34vlz14voz250uz25i4z25idz25igz15iiz15jmz16tsz16vez17gm8pp[23:55] <@ddevans> What's making it less smooth?
[23:57] <rob77dp> I think it may have been my play method
[23:57] <@ddevans> hm. Elaborate on that?
[23:57] <rob77dp> the NT's need not be done on water quanta as the damage comes from dragons and crawlers
[23:57] <rob77dp> but if a short-on-damage draw occurs, then one needs to weigh opposing deck and game conditions (HP's, etc)
[23:58] <rob77dp> at least, that is my current working theory
[23:59] <@ddevans> Yeah, agreed
[23:59] <rob77dp> however, Dims and strong perms are still causing lots of trouble
[00:00] <rob77dp> Dims, OE, Dusk
[00:00] <@ddevans> hm, the damage is actually really low on that
[00:01] <@ddevans> Do you find yourself lacking in water quanta?
[00:01] <rob77dp> not if I avoid Queen-spamming
[00:01] <Malignant> What do we have against Adrena-Titans?
[00:02] <Malignant> Or Adrenaline + Momentum anything
[00:02] <rob77dp> RT?
[00:02] <@ddevans> Alright, so the issue is not getting BE soon enough
[00:02] <@ddevans> Yeah, we put RT in the vault for decks like that
[00:02] <rob77dp> against Dims/Wings/OE - the Destroy combo is 'slow' or low odds I suppose
[00:02] <Malignant> Oh k
[00:09] <@ddevans> hm
[00:10] <@ddevans> Maybe that deck needs CC
[00:10] <@ddevans> Don't know how you'd put it in though
[00:13] <rob77dp> I'm sub-.500 winning ratio so far vs AI3 :-/
[00:14] <rob77dp> I'll hand it back in this state:
http://dek.im/d/z14vcz34vlz14voz250uz25i4z25idz25igz15iiz15jmz16tsz16vez17gm8pp[00:16] <Malignant> kay, post edited, +2 more decks
[00:24] <@ddevans> Yeah, it doesn't have enough damage then
[00:25] <rob77dp> where is the build for Nymphcord?
[00:25] <@ddevans> No reason that deck should lose to ai3
[00:25] <@ddevans> Unless it's not getting damage quickly enough
[00:26] <@ddevans> Nymphcord? Community-recommend > War Decks Archive > War 3
[00:32] <rob77dp>
http://dek.im/d/z14vez34vlz255kz2576z75i4z45iez25igz15jm8pj[00:33] <rob77dp> what about the entropy duo as a stall?
http://dek.im/d/z14vcz24vgz44vpz150uz15i4z45i8z25iaz15ioz95jmz36u7z17h38pj[00:33] <@ddevans> Yeah, that
[00:33] <@ddevans> If I was going to stall, I'd put in squids
[00:34] <@ddevans> I don't really like water/entropy stalls, though
[00:34] <@ddevans> Even though they make flooding useful
[00:35] <rob77dp> squids get steamrolled by Pande
[00:35] <rob77dp> (is why I don't have them in that build)
[00:49] == Leg [4ca7a5ae@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[00:50] <@ddevans> So, 100% in our vault right now: Sanc stall (can be cut to rush), grabbow (can be modded to speed or control), PUgons (can be modded with lightning/silence)
[00:52] <rob77dp> alright, if we go Nymphcord I like this one (performing well vs AI3 at least...):
http://dek.im/d/z14vfz34vlz255kz2576z45i4z45iez15jmz27gkz27h08pj[00:59] <@ddevans> hm, alright
[00:59] <@ddevans> I can dig that
[00:59] <@ddevans> Dragons coming out okay?
[01:00] <rob77dp> yep
[01:01] <rob77dp> I observed the Aboms didn't pack enough punch
[01:01] <rob77dp> also, Wings