Yeah, we have 9 relics, woop woop
Initial thoughts:
Darkness: Drainbolt lost twice last round, but it's possible they will save it. however I doubt they'll use it this round. They still have it's a trap, so we do need to address that.
I wonder about Toads, SoP squids and shockwaves so we can freeze/shockwave voodoos?
Death: We'll sort this out at the end. Anything with purify will probably work.
Time: Quite like the idea of Dims-Fractal here
Earth: Part of me thinks they might send shipwrecker against us lol... which would actually hurt quite a lot. I think patient Damseltal with SoFrees could be a fun idea.
Air: I don't think we have anything left in our bag of tricks for air. Could just use mono nymph rush with -discard and hope for RNG. Could try speed-poison?