[13:36] == RavingRabbid [webchat@host19-195-static.4-79-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #teamwaderp[13:36] <RavingRabbid> I know we need decks and vaults.[13:36] <@Tiko> hi Rav[13:37] <RavingRabbid> Hi.[13:37] <RavingRabbid> I posted three decks.[13:37] <RavingRabbid> (Yes, today I had philosophy.)[13:41] <@Tiko> I see[13:41] <RavingRabbid> And I'm working on off mark trios.[13:42] <@Tiko> like?[13:43] <RavingRabbid> Gimme a minute.[13:44] <RavingRabbid> http://helltgivre.free.fr/elements/?deck=z4590z1592z15i9z15icz25igz75jmz75t28pm[13:44] <RavingRabbid> Obviously, the EAs here can be switched with anything.[13:44] <RavingRabbid> A further Graboid and an Eternity, example.[13:47] <RavingRabbid> This deck concept holds a lot of possibilities.[13:50] <@Tiko> very nice[13:52] <RavingRabbid> It mixes the speed of graboids with precogs and trident.[13:54] <@Tiko> stoneskin maybe instead of EA?[13:54] <@Tiko> seems earth stacks up pretty well[13:55] <RavingRabbid> EAs can be easily switched for anything.[14:02] <RavingRabbid> http://helltgivre.free.fr/elements/?deck=z35f0z15f5z55fcz15ibz35iizB5jm8po[14:02] <RavingRabbid> Another deck proposal.
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bootsza> How are you? Kael about to wreak havoc upon us? <Tiko> yes :/ we're about to get ~70 card penalty <bootsza> good grief! That big?! I was expecting 6-12-18-24 <Tiko> we won with 2 illegal decks last round so he'll take away those wins +the vault penalties of more pillars/squids/chrys' used that's 250+ in one round <bootsza> sheeeesh <Tiko> so we're kind of dead <bootsza> gg War <Tiko> I want to talk to Kael about surrender no point in taking on team is dead too <bootsza> I can understand that... <Tiko> and we have a few hours left until the round starts <bootsza> What has RR said about it? <Tiko> nothing he left after I spoke to Kael yesterday <bootsza> ouch ouch ouch <Tiko> also we lost most of our keycards, and we can barely puttogether a mono deck <bootsza> dick_shower is an awful, awful nick to be using <Tiko> we're also lacking in quanta generators <bootsza> No point in putting up 75% suicide decks and 1 that can maybe win if absolutely everything goes our way? <Tiko> even if we survive a round or two, it's all about when we will drop maybe I should just put up random decks <bootsza> Well... its all pretty bleak The War format is kinda silly with the way that the later rounds hurt <Tiko> I feel all those hours of struggling and testing was a waste <bootsza> Hundreds of wasted games in that stupid trainer.... meh <Tiko> all work I put into war just dissolved in one round <bootsza> Dude.... <Tiko> I bring a coffe; a moment <bootsza> I do the same Did you see Japp over the weekend? <Tiko> nope, he's moving still I think <bootsza> And when is Kael going to let us know the penalty? it makes a big difference in this round <Tiko> he said yesterday he will be back after he arrives home/to work but I was up until 1am and he didn't return <bootsza> harrumph <Tiko> and today he left half an hour before I woke up :/ <bootsza> If we take a 70 card penalty we will be down to 3-4 players? <Tiko> well 4 147 cards <bootsza> and can we make any decks out of that? <Tiko> without counting the losses probably not but we're gonna lose some this round too anyway as we're paired with the top teams again so we should count at least -130 minimum next round which will bring us under 100 cards and we have problems right now even with 219 <bootsza> well, thats just game over <Tiko> *big* problems.. yes, it is; I'm afraid that's why I want to hasten the process <bootsza> Yeah, makes sense You don't deserve this ending Sorry Tiko <Tiko> I still wanted fight this round but this vaultfail destroyed my morale too <bootsza> I reckon you should make the best deck you can for yourself this round go down fighting <Tiko> I'm not fighting this round <bootsza> after carrying most of this team most of this war it seems the least you deserve oh, right <Tiko> It was uncertain that I'll be online <bootsza> Yeah, I remember This is a sad end to what was so promising <Tiko> most annoying is that we were *so* close with only a little bit of more teamwork it would've been a cakewalk and without last minute panics
[13:15:38] Tiko [»] Kael Hate: any progress in our penalty so far?[13:16:02] Tiko [»] Kael Hate: Sorry, but it was way too late for me yesterday to wait for you[13:18:02] Kael Hate [»] Tiko: yeah[13:18:09] Kael Hate [»] Tiko: no descision yet[13:18:49] Kael Hate [»] Tiko: since the decks that had the fails where plausibly the winning decks,you might have them revoked.[13:20:20] Tiko [»] Kael Hate: will this penalty apply for next round?[13:21:45] Kael Hate [»] Tiko: yeah, it won't affect anything now.[13:22:13] Tiko [»] Kael Hate: ok.. so here's the big question:[13:22:32] Tiko [»] Kael Hate: is there an opportunity to call out surrender?[13:22:57] Kael Hate [»] Tiko: surrender?[13:23:41] Tiko [»] Kael Hate: yes[13:23:53] Tiko [»] Kael Hate: just curious[13:24:30] Kael Hate [»] Tiko: how do you mean surender?[13:25:29] Tiko [»] Kael Hate: eliminating Team Water earlier than running out of vault[13:25:38] Tiko [»] Kael Hate: by our own decision[13:26:06] Kael Hate [»] Tiko: Can if you want.