Final Points
- Do NOT forget to use the Event card. Once in your match if your draw is awful (or you have lost the toss and seen that your opponent's hand is amazing), before you end turn, send a Chat PM to your opponent that you are restarting that game.
- PDials: Save dials as late as possible to chain, but not so late that weapons could finish you off. Obviously if there's nothing to reflect, don't play a reflect shield as it takes light away from dials.
- Serpentine: depending on what you are facing, keep good track of your earth quanta, because ocasionally (especially if they are using grabbow) using serpentine's ability can leave you unable to use BB the next turn, which can let them evolve grabboids safely.
Rest should be self explanatory, and apologies if, as is likely, you were ready with all this anyway.
If I am in chat, poke me if you want to playtest.
Good luck!