Starting this one earlier, because this round is going to be tough. I cannot be here an hour before the deadline, so I'd like to have everything done the night before, if possible, and get discussion started ASAP.
So far, we're 3-1, and we discard from the sanc stall (sorry tree), and we salvage from a fire novagrabbie (yay, more novas), a gimpy earth dim/fractal deck, and a death/wings duo (yay, wings).
I think, tree, that if we just salvage quanta from earth, we can talk about building a viable NT-earth deck like the ones you like, if we can agree that we have a good place to use it, otherwise it's basically conversion fodder. Psions for an aether duo or golems for a Trident duo are options as well.
From air, we can also consider building a better air duo than the one we won this round, from that salvage, also getting the AW to splash into the death duo or something could be good. Also, recluses and/or death nymphs to beef up the death duo are possibilities.
From fire, we get more grabbow or chrysadials parts if we need them (GO SPIEL AND MAL, WIN), also there's purifies for us. Otherwise that's conversion fodder as well.