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Round 5 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=65295.msg1271161#msg1271161
« on: November 15, 2017, 05:02:20 pm »

Duel phase has started
Fighting ends!


Send a message to your opponent immediately, giving as much information as you can about when you will be free during the match playing time. If you do not get a response, send another PM 12-24 hours before the match playing time.


This will be updated as we discuss, and then with the final decks that have been put in the vault. However, when it comes to your match, take your deck directly FROM THE VAULT, not from here, and not from any other save file, or building in game.

Spoiler for GEN JCJ vs FIRE:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]

Spoiler for Vag vs AETHER:
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Deck import code : [Select]

Spoiler for Sol vs DEATH:
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Spoiler for Hainkarga vs ENTROPY:
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Salvage and Discard

Spoiler for Discard From:
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Deck import code : [Select]
5ih 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5li 5li 5li 5lm 5lm 5lm 5lm 5lm 5m6 5m6 5m6 5m6 5m6 5m6 7gp 7gp 7gp 7gp 7k2 7k2 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 8pq

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 596 596 596 596 5i4 5i4 5i5 5i5 5ib 5ib 5ib 5if 5if 5jm 5jm 77e 77e 77e 77e 77e 7dm 7hi 7hi 7hi 7hi 8pp

Spoiler for Salvage From:

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5li 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5mq 5rk 5ro 7jv 7jv 7jv 7jv 7q1 7q1 7q1 7q1 7q1 7q1 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 8ps

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4vl 4ve 4ve 4ve 4ve 55k 55k 576 576 55v 55v 55v 55v 55v 55v 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6u5 6u5 6u5 745 745 745 745 745 8pl

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Offline JonathanCrazyJTopic starter

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Re: Round 5 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=65295.msg1271162#msg1271162
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2017, 05:09:20 pm »
OK, we can actually keep the light stall IF we transmute Permafrosts from the entropy deck (meaning no discords). It would be just the SoD and miracles with no sancs, but that could actually potentially make teh deck better and more streamlined.

With regards to matchups, the ONLY time I am free for doing it this week is tomorrow (thursday) night from about 5pm till about 11pm.

Initial thoughts:

 :fire thinking darknymphs with dries could work nicely, or alternatively patient BW deck.
 :aether light stall could be good value, as could dark domin or explosion wardens and even devtal or dev/poseidon
 :death patient wardens usually works well against them, could run a RoL Hope with purifies
:entropy rol hope is cool, I do fear their novabows though. stall could work here too.
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Offline Solaris

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Re: Round 5 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=65295.msg1271165#msg1271165
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2017, 09:45:38 pm »
purify seems gimmicky, prefer patient wardens

think Fire will expect Bonewalls, prefer Darknymphs

not a fan of Light stall w/o sancts against Aether, too easy to be burst still from chip damage, although could be thinking poorly here

think RoL Hope > Novabow if we're being completely honest

