OK. I think we can survive the previous round. If we can get through this one with a decent record, which i think is achieveable, things could get much easier. I therefore think we should be generous with relics this round if need be.
intitial thoughts:

: they are struggling atm. i feel we probably have something that counters everything they have left, possibly AM flooding, or predict a stall and go cata titans.

: assholes. Keep ruining everything. either they will go for eternity + cc again or they'll stallbreak imo, possibly patient scarabs again. Void Dials maybe, or Dims fractal?

: Might see fire stall, if not i think most of their other non-domin decks are probably toast, so Dims Fractal could do well again here, or Void again!

: not much of an idea, shard golem could be worth testing

: annoyingly i expect heavy CC here too... what about AM flooding? :O could be fun....