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Round 4 - Strategy - Nilsieboy vs. Fire https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=15671.msg200581#msg200581
« on: November 13, 2010, 10:02:49 pm »
Nilsieboy vs. kevkev60614 (Fire)
A jack of all trades. Fire has incredible control in the form of Deflagration, Fire Bolt, and Fire Shield. Fire has incredible power in the form of Lava Golems and Phoenixes.
    Steam Machine / Phoenix deck with Deflags for Fire Shields and Water CC seems to be the win.
    Freeze-based rush decks with no permanents bar pillars will be able to out-rush and avoid pesky Deflagrations.Has used Dimensional Shields in past rounds.A Fire / Water deck could do pretty well here, with Deflags, Floodings, Purify, Steam Machines for damage, and possibly some Minor Phoenixes.They might expect us to diverge from the two strategies we presented the first round: poison and rush. Instead, offer a deck with every available form of offense delivered at once. Mark of Death, Chrysaoras, Ice Bolts, and some form of efficient creature rush all at once.  The Ice Bolts and Poison will deliver the victory over a Fire Stall, the Ice Bolts will provide control if they try to outrush us, and if they go for Dim Shields again, the Poison will win out as the Ice Bolts take out their creature-based offense.An Air / Water duo is pretty straightforward: Toadfish Infect creatures that aren't huge, Shockwave ones that are, slow everything down with Ice Shield and Arctic Squid, and Bolt to death when possible.A less predictable route to take would be to bring loads of creature control and go for either a deck out or an Ice Bolt kill.

