Well, I think we should think a different way this round, mainly not by thinking what cards we can miss, but by thinking what cards we can miss more by others.
I'm saying, it might be better to discard two whole deck ideas, and disable them for the rest of the war (unless we are really lucky and get to salvage them back), then to cripple all our decks.
So, we can save 8 decks (239 cards, so one double card, but we only have to use 7 (or 6 this round) of them).
What decks do we want to save?
I was thinking:
1 speed poison
1 winged toads with shockwaves
1 light stall
1 dim shield stall
1 steam machine deck
1 entropy deck (so not two)
1 waterbow (and not entropy/water).
1 trident stall
We are a little lucky this round, because salvaging/discarding is easier, due to the ability to salvage a few cards, and discard them (wings/dimension shield).
Also, we can discard pendulums and pillars, because we only have to field 6 decks, instead of 9. And we can salvage some cards and convert them right away, OR we can try to make an water/gravity deck, by salvaging some more cards from the dune scorpion deck we faced. We could get a gravity shield, a few momentum and the gravity pulls we already salvaged, to make a new surprising deck.
I think we should salvage and keep one or maybe two graboid(s) for sure, because it/they can be really helpfull in our rainbow.