Testing this for Nils' deck(against
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4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 590 590 590 590 5c1 5f6 5i7 5i7 5ia 5ib 5ic 5ic 5ic 5ic 5jm 5jm 5jm 5jm 5og 5og 5v1 7i6 7i6 7i6 8pm
DECK WAS CHANGED!: Chaos Seed-->Forest Spirit
Scrambled Shriekers: Easy/Medium This deck destroys, their discords don't help much. Just play it normally.
Light/Earth stall: Medium/hard: This deck usually wins, slowly but surely. Trident the light sources first, a single miracle could spell a deck out for you. If you draw out a miracle when you have approx. 10 cards left, you should win. Either that or stop them from getting a miracle. Otherwise you will more than likely deck out.
GotP/Shriekers: Easy. Tridents do amazing here. This deck is win.
Dev/EQ/Golem: Easy. Don't play Tridents. If they are stolen, you're screwed. Just play normally, without Tridents. The Nova's excess quanta usually gives the Devs other quanta to steal.
Mono Earth: dragon/BB/SS: Quite Easy. play tridents, stop their quanta production, and just outlast the BB's.
Novagrabby: Medium/Hard: This is one of the harder decks. If you get your squid, it's a win. Tridents slow them down a lot, and freezes are immensely helpful. Fog shield is really helpful as well.
ImmoGolem+Grabby: Medium/Hard: play normally, Tridents aren't very important. Squids singlehandedly shut down the rush, but you can't let it out rush you.
Poison/BB deck: Easy. Even without the purify I was able to destroy it. Just outlast the BB's, and destroy pillars so they can't get a substantial stone skin out.
Earth Stall: BBs/SS: Easy. Trident pwns. If the RNG somewhat likes you, and you get an early trident, you have this game.