For future rounds: NOBODY SUBS ME IF NOT ASKED BY ME! (Espithel you did right, no offense)
[21:36:19] Newbiecake [»] Spielkind: I asked if any

members would sub, since I have work to get to real soon. Barely finished on time. Next time be punctual. Sorry about that, I didn't want to cut this match so close to the deadline. :/
[21:36:34] Newbiecake [»] Spielkind: Never specifically called out anyone to sub, just asked if anyone would be willing to
I PMd about 19GMT and was online in forum from 18:30GMT to see for PMs... nothing.
I entered chat at 19:05GMT... and the first match was done already... so i never would break a players match so espi shoul go further and i am ok with that, but sorry... what kind of..... i am very pissed....
his times were those above:

i send PM :
Hey i answered your poll for saturday around 21 my time so 19gmt. Hope will be a good match! Greetz Spielkind 8)
he was the one to find a sub or to say he cant play that late.... so guys, plz never sub without asking and waiting for some time plz...