Looking back at all this, I can't really see anything too erroneous, but:
Regarding Aether:
[Obligatory "Use SoW Reflect" comment here. I know how annoying I get with this and how much I over-glorify that deck, but if we could make it work, it would be great. Shame I didn't fully understand tinkerer.]
Right, now we got that out of the way, I think that speedials works, but I question the upped arses. Not that they're bad, per se, but I think those upgrades could be better spent upgrading the water pends.
That sanc domin looks solid, but it's quite reliant on using the NT to kill the opponent. Whilst I'm uncomfortable but fine with four octopuses, darkness can easily splash in certain other elements should it not want to use Liquid Shadow to deal with our NT. If they're running a stall, we're going to get unintentionally hard countered, and I can see them doing that. Even their own domin could get quite mean if they're not too focused on devs.
I would add a 31st card. Just to deal with that domin. Just in case we both kill our means of offence, we stand a higher chance of decking them out.
Regarding light, I can't see them playing RoL/Hope. I can see them playing New Old Times (RoL/Hope with SoPa)... But no. If I was light, I'd...
I'd use Morning Light SoW. It bypasses pretty much everything we can throw at them, making our only options something like the speedial we're using against aether, or a pure rush, both of which are options I wouldn't consider throwing at other light decks.
Now, it can be argued that such a deck is too expensive, given Light's vault. But I highly see light running some form of uncounterability and/or shield bypass, and this is simply the best they could come up with. That, or psiontal.
There was something about being able to use two decks with dials, right? I wonder... The possibility of such a deck is really scaring me and I can't think of anything else they'll do. Sorry.
That just leaves gravity and air.
Against gravity, I'd pack a bit more CC than usual, hopefully of a more spell-based variety. Water can be known for having many creatures out, all of which can easily become oty fodder if we're not careful. That grabbow looks good should we fail that criteria, though.
Against air... Yeah. Use that water/air. I'd put in an NT or two though, just in case. The either/or aspect of using both is a little painful, but it can work as spot-pillar denial as well as prevent death by owl's eye.