(Gen.) They saw neither Novas nor Quantum Pillars from us last round, so Devtal is the obvious, but maybe too obvious choice. They will pack Steals for sure against SoPa in any way, maybe with a stall like Siphonary. I like your idea of Nymphbow, should do well against most of their decks unless we face a rush which isn't that likely.

Well, lots of decks they could use. Their Dims vs. elements without PC is always a gamble, they may pack some with Sideboard. Generally though, their Fractal decks can be very fast and pull a huge threat. Void may be expected as it has a good matchup against Dim-heavy decks and Fractal (better test before), but it should do well as long as it does not face a direct counter... like a Silence splash.

(Gen.) With Earth, Fire and Time as their other opponents, they will rush us for sure, likely with Frogtal against our control. Silence will surely be there, blocking our Dims and Dials. AM Flooding could work, but might be too slow against a 15-upgrades-deck.

www3 often brings the obvious decks (as to be seen last round), which we could make use of. Dims may be possible, as well as Fractal decks and stallbreaker in general. Swallow is an interesting choice on their side. The Poseidon duo looks solid if testing proved good.

If they bring a stall, it will have PC against SoPa, which leads to Siphonary and Firestall. They could also bring a rush against our control decks. As they are facing Aether and Gravity and will probably not stall them, I think it is more likely they will stall us and death. Another option is a SoFree-rush with Damsels. Our CataTitans could get lots of trouble against PC, even though Titans will deal some damage (needs testing). Thinking of an alternative might be a good thing here.