Alright, now we have a lot of ideas to work with, good work guys. Now, we need to pare this down to the decks we're actually going to put in our vault. Gonna do it like this: Everyone make a list of 4-6 decks you want to see most in the vault, along with reasoning. They can either be decks already fleshed out in this thread, or decks barely mentioned, just as long as they're viable. From here, we'll cut down our choices to hopefully 20 or so decks, and then from there to the starting vault.
Also, about deck testing - I'm going to be open and say that while I know it is absolutely necessary, I despise doing it. That being said, I definitely will, for the good of the team, but the more you can test with each other/in trainer/however else, the better. This leaves me open to do things I'm really good with, primarily relating to keeping things in order (managing discussion, maintaining the vault and round assignments, dealing with WM communication, etc).