Suggested changes:
Grabbow: -1 purify, +1 squid, imp fog --> poseidon (control is great, the third squid should offset that extra cost for fog, and getting stuck with an unupped trident can be awful)
Chrysadials: No changes, although there's a lot of games I find myself better off three BWs to survive, and an extra chry would be helpful
PUgons: -1 pend, transfer that to support to fit 30 cards - we'll almost always use 31 cards in that deck, so we just take it from the extra.
Sanc Stall: -1 purify, +1 queen (purifies are good in support, but a second queen really can help this deck)
Add to support: +2 purify (good against death, and some other matchups), +2 pend, +some aether cards (lightning, fractal, silence to be able to swap into that duo)