Well, I'm cool whoever's designated to carry our vengeance, as long as we have the best chance we perceive to carry that vengeance.
The only halfway-decent options our Vault has have already been covered by Spiel (a
very shoddy Toadmare may be built (I don't think it's the best course, tho; the only creatures we have are four Chrysaorae, an Ice Dragon, three Toadfishes, three Otyughs, and a Minor Vampire), but it requires either four ups, a trio, or Shards of Patience just so that the Chrysaorae aren't there just for Nightmare fodder; and I just can't think of a way to get either Deflagration, Antimatter, BE, or Ref Shield reliably involved in the vengeance plan), so I don't have much to chirp on deckbuilding.