I lost.
First game, he didn't play creatures really, rolled over him.
Second game, I only drew 1 water pillar, at one point I had 6 ice dragons in my hand. I ended up drawing some pillars and recovered, but wasn't able to slow down his adrenalined vamps enough.
3rd game, I drew a decent amount of pillars, but still died from dragon overkill. I drew all 6 and had 4 in my hand when I died, I didn't get any lobo guys, just squids and dragons, so I couldn't remove the vamp ability from his adrenalined vampires. I was freezing two adren-vamps every turn, and they still healed him for 3 each turn. If I didn't freeze them they'd heal for 10+ health each. If I had drawn 1 lobo guy I almost surely would have one, but couldn't damage him fast enough with all his healing.
I think some icebolts could've worked well in the deck, although he would've just stole iceshields from me.