Wow. So I left for an hour and this had 6 more pages?
Anyway...if you Twin Universe this, will it's new floor attack be the attack it had when you TU'd it?
Example: If you put in into play, and then next turn use it's ability (4/8) and then TU it (4/8) will the TU'd copy be 4/8 at the end of the turn while the original goes down to 3/8?
Perhaps every turn it is losing ATK it produces 1 as it lets off steam.
Well, this is a game, and as PuppyChow pointed out, it doesn't have to make sense.
But SG would argue that it did, so...
My point is that H20 is still H20 regardless of state. There's no change happening here. It would make more sense, if it were to produce Air, to produce 3
when targeted by Thunderbolt or Lightning Storm, since that's what happens in a world where physics isn't just a funny word.
However, this is a good idea. Mono-Water UGs? Super Toadfish/Steam Engine CC?