I'm actually somewhat bothered by the terminology. Wouldn't it be simpler to say Steam: Steam Machine gains +4/+0. Steam Machine loses -1/-0 until its attack is 0.
Well, it's because of the way it works with base attack.
For example, if I take an unbuffed Steam Machine and use the ability, it'll end up 3/8 at the end of my turn. After 3 more turns, it will have reached 0 attack.
If I use Blessing on it, then the ability, it will be 6/11 at the end of my turn. 3 turns later, it will be 3/11. Even after the next turn, it will continue to have 3 attack as a minimum. That's why simply saying 0 isn't accurate.
(This was all from something Zanz said in chat)
Our first mechanical card ( I donĀ“t want mechanical life) . 3 fire for 10 damage?
Will one point/turn be removed per use of the skill or in general -1/turn regardless of the number of times you used the skill?
And what will adrenaline do?
We already have a machine, Armagio, so putting another one in isn't going against any rules. I don't know what you mean, but it essentially gains +3/+0 per turn as long as you can keep paying for it. The -1/+0 is a passive effect, so it'll affect the creature once at the end of each turn.
Adrenaline will make it lose attack faster. I'm not entirely sure how the turns it'll get would be calculated, but I think it would just count the ones so far according to the attack it has so far.
For example: