It's in the trainer now 
EDIT: And the unupped has 6 cost.
Oooh, oooh, can I take credit?!? 8)
Having finally spent a day playing with Steam Machine, I have to say that it sucks. It's too expensive to play, it's ability is too expensive to use.
Graviton Fire Eater has 3 less HP and only gains 2 attack per turn, but only costs 2 to play and 1 to activate, and it's power doesn't tick down over time. Graviton Firemaster is even better in comparison to Elite Steam Machine.
Both of the Graviton cards work well because they're splashably cheap in both directions --

deck with

mark can use them well, and so can

deck with

mark. Steam Machine doesn't splash in either direction. It forces you to play a balanced water/fire deck, and it's not even stellar in that context. The massive HP doesn't make up for the slow speed and the massive

sink, and the extra 1 point of attack every turn vs. Ablaze doesn't either.
Fire Spirit vs. Graviton Fire Master is understandable -- both are cheap and quick Ablaze critters, but you pay for going off-element by adding some much-needed HP. The HP you get for going with Steam Machine aren't worth the added cost, and the ability is so much less useful because of the tripled cost.
It's slow, it forces your deck to be clunky, and it seems like it's only purpose is to get people to donate for Shards of Readiness, which is even more upsetting.