I like SoP.
I'm having fun right now with a deck that stalls with sundials and cloak
while my vampires are getting stronger giving me soon incredible healing

Also SoP is cool to prevent the AI from playing DimShields.
And when the time has come for my vampires I play shard of Freedom and BOOM muahahaha ^^
Short question about the stack thing using more than one SoP at the time?
What happens if e.g. I have a field full of malignant, then stack 3 SoP for some turns and then I use chimera?
Would the stack still be eliminated? Because if not this will be an incredible OTK

Nevermind, I'm gonna try it myself

Edit: Ok, I misunderstood the stack thing. It still provides only one ATK, independently of the amount of SoP in play

Maybe I should read better or not so late in the evening...